An unknown illness kills over 50 people in part of Congo with hours between symptoms and death
It also depends on its mortality rate. The, article says 50 died but over 900 infected.
Still incredibly high, but initially it seemed like it was much higher. If enough asymptomatic, or non deadly people catch it and pass it on, it's still pandemicable, just less effective.
Yeah who has ever heard of bird flu?
There are definitely religious and spiritual systems that revere nature, like paganism. It's the only thing that really makes sense to me.
It’s the Congo.
King Leopold was one of history’s greatest monsters. Rubber tree plantations - they’d chop a hand off or worse if you didn’t make quota. (The Heart of Darkness, later retold as Apocalypse Now, later retold as Spec Ops: the Line.)
The region has been ravaged for the past two centuries. Remember Kony 2012? Those starving children could have been soldiers.
I can think of cheaper!
This does sound wild.
spoken like someone trying to keep all the good bats for themselves
Honestly, every last one of you can go have a nice day, as far as I'm concerned.
That's also an old Soviet intelligence classic, so I'd bet you're spot on.
gets a tear in his PPE
I winced. Is it confirmed it can be transmitted sexually?
I'll take all your bat meat and dispose of it safely for you
What on earth do you put on your biscuits, if not white gravy?
I forgive you.
When fash take over the hard words come back. Also id say the prez is more retarded than someone with down syndrome so really he owns the word now kinda like how all nazis are boot licking fa*****ts(fascists lol)
No, but they get some nasty stuff that if transmitted to humans more often prove lethal. It is due to bats having an incredibly high body temperature (even more so than most other flying things though most of them are high). Human fever really cannot compete with that and our bodies may just kill themselves with the viral response IIRC.
We should be allowed to insult people for their lack of intelligence.
Stupid people should not feel as though they have the same voice as everyone else.
Unfortunately, their voice is louder.
Oh god, this is why people stop being loyal to your side.
“Why do we send all these people food”
Because we have excess and they don't.