GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
Well, didn't the Nazis also discriminate against gay people?
That said, it's a massive leap to go from "rejects 1 line PR that only changes gender in a comment" to literal Nazi...
Both facists and tankies have genocided disabled people and selectively killed anarchists.
As a disabled anarchist, they end up seeming pretty similar to me.
If you look at the kwebkitpart commits, it looks like it's been nothing but localization for years.
I wasn't thinking of such and meant
. -
I dislike tech people who mix politics into their work, even if I agree with their opinions. If you do both, just keep them separate, like separate YouTube channels or blogs or whatever. Lunduke doesn't do that, and many of his tech takes are colored by that as well, so I ignore him.
That's really too bad.
We lost this war with operating systems when Linux ate the BSDs' lunch, and it's happening again with browsers. I hope GNOME Web sticks around.
The main issue I have right now: the jurisdiction of this is in the US, and to be honest, I don’t trust the US that much when it comes to privacy laws regarding the (near) future.
To be fair, kubernetes comes from Google.
In their defense, if everyone was perfect everything would be perfect.
But you're absolutely right. As long as humans are human there's no way to separate human nature from authority. And as a result, any system that doesn't strictly limit scope and authority is inherently bad.
Looks interesting but does it support absolutely vital extensions like ublock origins?
Hmm I don't think you really understand what happened.
The developer wrote a comment (not visible to the end user) using the male form.
A random person opened a pull request without any useful changes, except for changing that comment from "he" to "their".
The developer rejected that PR because it's politically motivated and it doesn't add anything else.
There's a big difference between negating the existence of people and what happend in this case, i.e. somebody writing a comment (only visible to him and other developers) using the male form.
Alt right bs?
Not really. A random person submitted a PR with just one pronoun change in the code comments (not the documentation, and not anything remotely visible to the end user).
The developer rejected the (useless, in my opinion) PR.
They are political, because people (I'm not one of them) think they shouldn't be allowed and there are only two genders (e.g. the current president of the US).