Proton has stopped using their Mastodon account
I've been using Tuta for more than 8 years now and had one serious issue with their service during this time (longer outage, pretty early on). Other than that I have nothing but positive experience with them.
They're also based in Germany if that makes any difference. -
I think im going to try it out. I dont like where proton is going.
It's also worth pointing out the fact that they offer free services; most likely, your data is their real product. That's to be expected with, say, a social media platform, but a VPN? That is a HUGE security threat. I'm just waiting for the proton security leak.
Considering how many users here have expressed similar disillusionment with the current Democratic party, it seems a bit hypocritical to judge Andy Yen for having the same feelings (or expressing them on occasion).
The only thing Yen should have done to be credible is shut the fuck up and not take any side, or express any political opinion. I expect no less from the CEO of a company that pretends to sell me privacy from a neutral country.
I'm not saying Yet is a raging magat. I'm saying the moment he opened his trap about US politics, he tainted his company and damaged its credibility.
I use them too. Their web ui and app are totally ugly crap but if you use it with thunderbird or another mail app it’s good.
Just switched and couldn't be happier. Now I can use FairMail as a client and loving all the extra features.
I used a custom but generic sounding domain name which made the switch pretty seamless.
Just did the transition off Proton! Most replacement self hosted in my homelab except for email.
I'll take a guess that they are going back to Reddit so they can control what gets posted and shown to others. They got railed on Mastodon following the drama, which is probably why they're leaving.
- This is a hobbiest community. Personal recommendation is using for emails, and spread your other needs across other tilde servers.
Yes commandline interaction is required.
Save your SSH keys not just on your computer but in a couple other secure places. If you have to pull them from backup, remember to reset the file's permissions otherwise SSH won't like them. Setting up a password backup is very helpful here especially since that will let you use your mail address with apps such as k-9 on android, or claws/thunderbird/outlook for desktop.
There is not and never was any endorsement of Trump. I wish people would stop spreading such wild disinformation.
He also never backpedaled.
oh yeah def. Im going to donate if/when I take a look. sdf also has something similar.
There's not much point in "post and ghosting" to platform if you're not going to engage with its' users. You might as well just direct people to your blog instead.
Gross. I’m slowly moving from ProtonMail to Port87, which is kind of embarrassing because I made Port87. Switching email providers is hard though. You have to update everything.
I made it, so I’m obviously very biased, but I think it’s better than Proton. It’s got some really useful organization and anti-spam features.
I agree!
Other "like" tools to publer have comment/reply options so it just goes to the HR/publicist/etc... I used to be part of a fortune 500. Its the only way to actually keep up with anything. Keyword finding, etc...etc...Its all automated nowadays.
At this point, most have some sort of Mastodon
Here is the tweet - if that's not the most flagrant Trump bootlicking, I don't know what is:
And here is the backpedal:
Believe what you want. I believe what I read.
I wouldn't call that boot licking. Maybe a misguided opinion.
I think he internet mob went a little hard on this one.
Ah yes, I too require everyone else to only express views that agree with my own or else keep silent. Of course, I am the only person allowed to have nuanced opinions.
We dont use real names on the internet for a reason.