Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros
Maybe zen browser! Idk, my only hope is either Ladybird or Servo producing something usable this decade.
I used it as a secondary browser for a while. I didn't particularly care for it. It's a shame Edge is spyware corporate garbage because that's probably the best Chromium browser besides Ungoogled Chromium. I use Librewolf and the CachyOS browser now.
Old guy, here...
WTF is a "glowie"?
Chromium is open source, so Google can't cut them off.
That statements is actually infused with some racial epithets.
Well. They can stop updating the open source code, create manifest v4 and now all chromium browsers are shit out of luck.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic.
It's a dissociative. Its effects are more like PCP than like alcohol. I wouldn't use the term "psychedelic" for its effects-- the biochemical pathways are different as well.
Heard it messes up your bladder.
The metabolites burn your bladder severely enough that you can end up pissing blood. The body load seems to be high as well, frequent users look grey and washed-out, and it damages your cognition.
Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term.
I've known a few. They started fiending like junkies, lost jobs, destroyed relationships. It's a dirty drug and, unless you're getting professional treatment for PTSD, the best advice I can give is to avoid it and to avoid people who use it.
Anyone not goose-stepping in jackboots is a dangerous leftie to them.
Thorium's OK too.
brave evangelists are cheering
I have some ketamine using friends, it is still way better than coke.
I tried it once but dis not feel it’s effect at allthe one who invited me explained it’s effect as I describe my neurodivergence symptoms
we came to the conclusion that it may makes non neurodivergent people just a bit neurodivergent 🤪
But we were stoned at a music festival, so there is that
Sudo apt remove hyprland, when you are on it