Windows doesn't "just work"
If i have to suffer because I'm a dumb dumb, that's on me. I'm tired of suffering because other people are stupid.
I tend to disagree, I do have several devices running Linux and with all of them I had issues after install (standby not working, swap partition not recognized, sound only playing on half of the speakers, issues with monitor scaling etc...)
Im fine with it and like the journey, but there are still quirks.Probably Im in an in-between-world where I do have some tricky use-cases, but missing the full know-how to do it...
thing which makes it not normy-usable, are the documentations: for windows issues you can find DAU-conform guides to solve something. Mostly on "official" (with probably too many ads) pages.
For Linux it's usually a rabbit hole of official documentations (which dont show all the options), forums, reddit pages, where some guy tells another guy to add xyz to the config file....without telling which file and where in the file. Why is this command not listed in the documentation? What does that command actually do?
It has gotten much better, but there's still some way to go
yeah no i'm sorry but this just sounds completely fucking made up
Over the past 5 years, I've installed ubuntu about 30 times on different computers. Not once has an install on an SSD taken me more than an hour, with it typically taking me 30 minutes or less except for rare occasions where I've messed something up.
I think it highly depends on what kind of hardware you are attempting to install Linux on. You can make it work on almost anything, but the graphical installers are best used with hardware that was widely used when the distribution was released.
Also the older and more obscure distros may not have installers that pass secure boot checks, which is very frustrating if you don't know what is happening.
To your conscious brain, it might seem like 4 steps. But we are doing a lot more in reality because install process is second nature to us (Because of several years of usage).
If you tell someone who has never used a Windows PC to install a software and my list is more accurate.
It's not about the speed of the installation.... It's about the installation not working. Crashes. Hard to see error logs. Drivers missing for the most generic hardware, ever. No, I'm not talking about an unmaintained fringe distribution. I'm talking about Ubuntu, Lubuntu & Debian. Plain old stable and simple.
Most of the time, the package is available on the standard package manager which makes the process extremely simple. Hardest part is knowing the package name. If you know
apt search
, you don't even have to search on the browser to find the package name. But certain packages are only available as tar.gz or as source. But those are usually not encountered by newbies.If someone is using Nix, they generally don't have trouble finding packages. Also, Nix has more packages compared to AUR.
What PCs? Certified by some Linux supporting company? If you buy a random laptop or pre-made PC, chances are high, that it won't work. And I'm not even a "beginner", who does "beginner" mistakes. No, I'm actually a Linux pro. I work with Linux literally every single day, even in my free time.
What Linux distro are you using share Bluetooth and audio “just works”?
apt search
is very inefficient. It outputs way too many results and at least 8/10 times, I search for a keyword related to the package, which is not in the package name or description itself, so the package does not show up for me.Searching online is better, but still crap. I work a lot with Container Images, Alpine etc. professionally and in my free time. Searching for the right Alpine package is always a huge pain in the ass.
Less is more. Nix has lots of packages, but they are barely maintained. For fun, I set up a Kubernetes cluster on NixOS a couple of years back. Had it "running" until last month. Long story short: Kubernetes is broken on NixOS. There are several open GitHub issues since years and nobody fixes them, because not enough people care to fix Kubernetes for NixOS.
Probably the DE, for me Bluetooth has "just worked" under KDE
But did you try (the distro I personally prefer)? I've tried 500 distros and that one is the one that actually worked for me.
Only if you refuse to put forth the same effort into fixing windows as you do with Linux. Not wanting to learn doesn't mean it's not learnable.
Oh I just did that
If you're willing to put up with the low security options provided by default and don't have a weird laptop, maybe.
Lol "the main computer market is iffy"