Tesla sales crash continues in Europe, with Germany down 70%
And the US tax payer is going to have to foot the bill on it...Elon sucks goldfish dick
I seriously question the mental stability of Tesla shareholders. Why on Earth does that man still have a job?
I'm not even talking about this recent stuff, I'm talking about all the things he's been doing for the last few years. It would get any normal person fired.
A virtual credit card? Is that something your bank offers, or how would one go about getting it?
The reason I originally got PayPal is because many sites don’t accept debet cards so I often had no way to pay at all.
In Europe, sepa transfers are free and instant transfers will be mandatory free from October.
To pay in e-commerce, revolut has unlimited one-use cards, no need for PayPal.
What's a sepa transfer
It's a credit or debit card where you can change the number at any time. Prevents shady online shops from loosing your credit card details. Revolut and N26 offer it for example.
Of course, the shop still has to accept credit/debit cards or you have to go though PayPal as guest.
I don't think Elon gives a fuck. He's tricked everyone he needs to into giving him billions of dollars. He isn't going to give any of it back. He's laughed all the way to the bank.
If you have the money to buy a Tesla I don't think you're someone who cares what people think one way or the other. You don't need to care about public opinion with that kind of income.
Is there a Canadian version of paypal that works the same way? I was searching but couldn't find one and ever since AI came around my business shrank to almost nothing. Also, other than having an old nearly defunct facebook account, what $ would I be unwittingly giving to Zuckerberg? Serious and naïve question.
Ah, I should have read down further. I'll look those up.
What? A Model 3 starts at 42k (without the tax credit) or 299/mo for a lease. That’s below average for new cars in America, or significantly below average if you qualify for the tax credit. KBB says the average for a new car in December 2024 was nearly 50k.
And sure, not everyone can afford a new car, but very few Tesla buyers are “that kind of income” wealthy.
So? You subsidised him since forever.
Not a peep when he demanded to keep his factories open in full Covid times or plenty more scummy things.
Only when he became a Trumper he was no longer great papa Elon for half of you. -
I see, thanks!
The only creatures that should buy a Tesla are from the fucking AfD.
My heart pumps purple piss for fElon.
What makes you think I wasn't verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect...