Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros
I dont go on 4chan though, the only exposure I have to it is occasionally reading greentext vids/stories on other sites.
I was just on a random rabbit hole that Briefly involved templeOS and somehow ended up on the "hit CIA with your car they arent humans" video
Oh, it's almost as if brave has always sucked.
I like to say it has become fashionable not to hide it. Lol.
Agreed, his garbage attempt at Self has caused long term ramifications for software development. We could have been using a real language for years now.
I just did a similar setup with a custom built NUC and I even got PCI Passthrough working. I want to get as many years out of this as possible. Proxmox is great.
The irony that he is mad about woke when irish people were also shit fury on.
Would that apply to James Bond? I've always wondered how everyone in those movies didn't instantly know who he was. Kinda like Archer. Archer is definitely a glowie.
I see what you did there
Yeah, that works too
The books were clearer about this, in fairness. Bond wasn't a spy so much as an agent provocateur and a major part of his role was to cause disruption, panic and general fuss, but in a controlled way.
Can I introduce you to your new best friend, Yunohost? It's a self-hosting platform based on Linux designed to run on a shitty old laptop, SBC, USFF PC or such plugged into your router. Browser-based, loads of extensions and tools, the hardest part it installing it - it's no more or less tricky that installing Ubuntu, but that's still involved for many people.
Yeah, a lot of people say things like "a BloingCoin is worth €1000" or "1 PissBux is worth more than a barrel of oil" but, like, so what? I know how many apples I can buy with €1 (about two). How many apples can I buy with a BloingCoin or a PissBux? Or, for that matter, a barrel of oil?
In addition to what others said, leadership drinks a lot of their own Kool-Aid. They spend a lot of time on Twitter and such.
I love Cromite, in that case. Lightning fast, barebones like Chromium, and has the best built in anti-fingerprinting I know of.
It's a bloody web browser.
How many people do you think actually sit down and do in depth research and analysis into the CEO's personal beliefs, employment history, and associations before deciding which piece of software they'll use to look at cat pictures?
When it's owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it? Yes, that's a valid reason.
When it's owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it, I have every reason to question why someone uses a browser that promotes crypto, and steals from the content creators it said it funds.
Agents provocateur are actually what we historically had to worry about just as much as spies. They're the guy who's just raring to go do something a bit risky or really wants to run security for your event. Doing what they say or aiding them will get you arrested.
Yeah and a lot of them are mad that they only got money and power while the other kids getting our asses kicked, the queer kids, got to be cool as adults instead. /hj
Like i got taught not to be effeminate quite violently. While teachers picked on me for being weird and smart. I guess I just can't give a shit about these people who love to make sob stories to justify their cruelty and bigotry. They can heal or get out of the way.