I freed 30GB using Filelight
That kinda makes sense at this stage. If you spend time understanding what those commands do, you'd understand how the system works, and most importantly how to not fuck it up. Keep in mind there's a lot of misinformation and bad practices in guides out there. People who bare know more than you feel confident to share snippets without warning. Ten or twenty years ago much fewer people had experience with Linux and most people confident enough to write were technical people that knew what they were talking about. Destructive misinformation was less.
But yeah when you learn, the need or urge to reinstall disappears. I stopped reinstalling in 2014. Took me 9 years to unfuck my Windows brain and understand enough to not shoot myself in the feet. Main machine hasn't been reinstalled since then. That's with replacing multiple main boards, switching AMD > Intel > AMD, changing SSDs, going from single SSD to mdraid, increasing in size over time, etc.
@EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted Don't worry. English for clmminicarion is just fine. It was not meant to be malicious.
I just saw this video sooo many times, it was kind of a standard response.BÄÄM is like the German version of BOOM in comics.
Therefore "BÄM Lee" because he knocks people out with one punch.Its spoken like the beginning of BAd behaviour. Maybe that's helpful.
That's very normal if you don't have any KDE apps. If you were using KDE and installed a GNOME app it'd be similar.
There was something about wiztree that kept me using windirstat. I don't think it's free software.
You could try baobab instead.
this looks exactly like gnome disk usage analyzer
I didn't think either were, but yea wiztree is pretty classically shareware
It's a KDE application, yes.
Excellent! I missed DaisyDisn. It looks great!
It doesn't mean For Real? Jk
In case you don't already know about it, paccache (part of the pacman-contrib package) will let you easily remove old packages from the pacman cache
My little widget to get the weather, Blazing Fast Uber Duper made in Rust, has like 85 total dependencies from like 3 crates that I need...
My own software is a hard pass for myself...
That's great!
Another thing that is great, since we are talking about disk space: people, check your Rust repositiry, it might be huge.
I deleted that folder and, in my case, freed 12gb. Not too shabby.
Ncdu is my go-to tool. Can't live without it on the servers I administer. However from this thread I've also learned about gdu and diskonaut, that I need to check out.
I believe FileLight (in OP above) is a fork of or built on top of QDirstat.
I like Bleachbit but I'll check this out
I can see you're not using Flatpak, the destroyer of disk space. Nice list though!
I use dua, but this looks neat too.