[Louis Rossmann] Brother turns heel & becomes anti-consumer printer company
I heard Brother was good, then I spent way too long formatting different USB sticks in different cluster sizes and formats, and never got ours to work with any of them. Don't buy Brother if you want that feature, either.
My Canon photo printer can be converted to a tank-style with a drill and a highly illegal cartridge resetter.
I would say "power" and "battery" are the same thing.
Yeah sharing digital documents between devices is still a complete urethra sanding, isn't it? If it can't go by email you probably shouldn't even try. Having an x86 tablet running desktop GNU/Linux and Syncthing...Syncthing works very well, Linux works well, Linux UIs on touch screen are more unpleasant than dental surgery, and FreeCAD is less touch screen friendly than the average CLI utility. I can just barely use FreeCAD to look at the spreadsheet on that thing, especially when it's got its keyboard snapped off.
It would be maybe more ideal to have an e-ink device that goes with me to the shop, something that will run for a month on a cell phone battery, that can display things like technical drawings made from CAD, a spreadsheet exported from CAD, along with things like tool manuals and similar reference materials, and with some utility apps like a calculator and maybe a little notepad...
Everything I want we have the technology to do right now, but no one does it the way I'd want it done because interoperability be damned.
As for making stencils and templates, it's something I really miss now that I don't have ready access to a laser engraver.
Shit come down
Old printers on ebay are going to be the new game, until we start seeing kickstarter flooded with new printer companies.
He gives some examples of firmware updates being pushed out to Internet-connected Brother printers to cause them to stop accepting third-party ink cartridges
This is not supported by the references in the linked article. They only talk about the printers refusing to do automatic registration with third-party cartridges.
I want to agree, but has there ever been a case of the free market saving itself?
Am I just jaded about the whole internet or does this read like an AI summary? It feels too specific to be written by a human.
I no longer have any corporate relationships that aren't either apprehensive, strained, or downright antagonistic.
It's us versus them now and they've give their last shits. It's feeling like every company is a cable company now.
I have a Brother MFC-9340CDW that I salvaged from work last year, we replaced it because it kept getting a ghost "paper jam" every time you tried to print something. Turns out the cause is an $18 board that's known to fail.
Now to figure out how to disable automatic firmware updates
It looks like the latest firmware on their website for my old-ass black & white brother laser was released in 2019.
Hopefully that thing lasts another few decades on top of the ~15 years Iβve already had it, because it sounds like itβs the last printer Iβm going to buy.
It's funny how far ahead 3d printers are in terms of consumer experience, everything is open, everything works and the tech is like 300 times more complex.
2D printer companies should be shamed to death.
If we reach a point where an AI can summarize a video to that degree and provide background summaries, I'd happily use it. I mean, I'd mark the origin, but nah, this is just me.
I should qualify that -- I don't know for sure whether and which distros enable updates to run non-interactively.
has the ability to do so and it's billed as doing so on its github page, but that doesn't mean that a distro has to actually take advantage of that. Could be that in a default configuration on a given distro, it only updates stuff next time you invoke it. -
This is mainly because consumer 3d printer have been developped by 3d printing enthusiast first and not a company, Prusa which was leader for some time used a lot of open sources project to build their printers. As it's getting mainstream as time goes by more and more companies shows up with closed sources project sadly.
FYI an MBR table with a fat32 partition is probably what it was looking for. If that doesn't work odds are the port is broken
Over time as 3D printers go from tinkerer's toy to household staple, I'd expect them to become more locked down and anti-consumer.
Can't watch right now, but is there a list of affected devices?
Except those who aren't.
Always has been like that.
Not one single corporation is your friend or wants to be. All they want is your money. No exceptions.