Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
I already don’t use Amazon and I think I might actually have them at a net loss as I used to say things didn’t arrive back when they would do anything to make you happy.
Upvoted because everybody should stop using Amazon.
A whole 7 days??? Gosh gee willakers!!! You think people can uphold a boycott a whole 7 days???
Look. Boycotts are effective, but you gotta be stubborn. It's gotta be "boycott from now on" with no end date.
Otherwise, it'll just look like normal fluctuations in their business.
"Oh, this week was slightly down....ah, but then it stopped. We're good!"
But if you boycott forever, then their numbers continuously go down. And if you get other people boycotting, those numbers go down faster.
THAT'S how you make an impact.
Lol, this is the first one that I'm mildly inconvenienced by participating in. Wheel of Time S3 comes out somewhere in there doesn't it?
I can wait.
In 1995 we boycotted Shell for environmental reasons and it worked:
Towing of the platform to its final position began on 11 June. By this time, the call for a boycott of Shell products was being heeded across much of continental northern Europe, damaging Shell's profitability as well as brand image. [...]
On 20 June, Shell had decided that their position was no longer tenable, and withdrew their plan to sink the Brent Spar [...]
So it needed few days more than week of concerted action to bring big business into trouble.
With a few exceptions, I haven't bought from Amazon in more than a decade. I never buy from them unless I absolutely can't find the thing I need anywhere else.
Nice. Yeah, I like to think I have had them at a loss since the early 2000s when they sent me a $600 DVD player/writer instead of the $300 DVD player that I ordered. I tried to do the honest thing and send it back (knew i had no legal obligation) but the process at the time was so annoying that i just kept it.
I boycott Amazon years ago already, when a warehouse of people died because employees were told that the government's tornado warning was just hyperbole.
Amazon is an evil company that treats its workers like garbage, and practices some of the most vile anti-union practices.
I cancelled my Amazon Prime account and never bought a single item through Amazon anymore. I don't buy anything from Temu either, by the way.
Just delete your account already.
I moved on from Amazon to local after the 28th.
Just pirate it.
That boycott had a demand attached, to prevent the sinking of the Brent Spar buoy. Effectively "unlimited" boycott until Shell gave into the demand.
This and the last no shop Friday thing seem mostly pointless. I mean fuck Amazon for sure but shouldn't there be some goal? "Boycott Amazon until X, Y, and Z" not "No buy from Amazon for a week but then we'll be back so no worries!"
The thing is, I really don't want them to cancel it. I've been signing up for it and then cancelling my subscription when it's finished, and then pirating it anyway. I just want them to see it as valuable, so they don't try to squeeze 14 books worth of content into one shitty finale because it's not making them money.
that is the wrong mindset for a boycott. no amazon period from now until forever. if shows go under so much the better.
Fuck that show. Fuck the Halo show. Fuck each and every company that just buys a name and thus a built-in fan base and mutilates the original IP beyond recognition.
Yes, I can see how you might not want to boycott a company if you're worried about them not making money because of it.
Lol no, cuz then my option is Walmart and I ain't doing that.
Wtf do people even need from there that they can't get from temu or elsewhere..
Target? I've moved a bunch of my shopping there, and they have pretty fast shipping as well.