From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
/r/BanVideoGames has lost the plot.
Mars is Doom territory, mon frer. Terror Billy's ancestor is cleaning up the shitheap nazis that made it to their final destination.
There was a time when we thought the movie Iron Sky was a satirical comedy. We may end up with Nazis colonizing space after all…
i've seen his torso and there's no way that can handle the rigors of reentry
Damn, they made Wolfenstein political
Why do they have to make fun of republicans?
Reddit actually, they are a subreddit dedicated to saying gamers are nazis and proving their point with (photoshopped) evidence lmao
there's a joke about his junk in here somewhere but i'm trying not to think about his junk
it would be so awesome if we could just ship all the fascists to a prison planet with no oxygen.
How could they know the future of space x so long ago?
I think they lost their mind.
Ah, you’re right I mixed them up. Arkane only helped with Youngblood a bit. Yes, the Indiana Jones game was really good, I loved it