SOURCES The Tate brothers left Romania directly for Florida on a private plane from Baneasa airport at five in the morning /Ten days ago Trump's special envoy intervened with the foreign minister in t
Was there? I am not deeply invested in the matter, so my knowledge of the situation is only superficial. But generally speaking, annulling the result of the first round of a run-off is not equal to cancelling a whole election.
There are rulings by Supreme Court as far as I can tell but that was rather fast, wasn’t it? Due process takes time. Removing candidates and redoing the elections until results are acceptable isn’t that much different from not holding elections at all.
These two points somewhat contradict each other. If the majority of the population wants these people in power, why would there be some knee-jerk reaction?
Is it really a choice? How long will people be happy with this kinds of governments? In Poland it took a year for our „centrist” (aka market liberal, social conservative) to have 30% approval rating. All that they have to say is that other guys are even worse and it’s not exactly a great political platform even if we were conditioned to be satisfied by this little.
I still think that was setup.
In some way I understand Romania, ship those assholes back to the states. And bar them from the country (hopefully), then the assholes are not their problem anymore.
Yes it's a shame they didn't pay for their actions, but I expect them to fuck around and find out in the near future.
Not criminal foreigners. They have US and UK dual citizenship, as per the article. If anything they're bringing their own criminals home. Unfortunately they won't bring them to justice, but that's also kind of in line for them.
Known poor shot, taking a long ranged shot, with no scope.
Most assassination attempts on world leaders usually boil down to a mentally unstable dude with a weirdly personal grievance and the yearning to be famous for something.
I'd say that dude fit the profile fairly well.
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people"
New Department about to drop.
Maybe he's recruiting the Tates to become the new epstein-Island ringleaders since they have experience in sex trafficking...and they clearly were in a position where they could do for a quid-pro-quo w/Trump since they stuck in Romania
Not petty criminals. Accused of rape, statutory rape, sex and human trafficking, and more.
They are still ordinary small time pimps who committed ordinary pimp crimes, not big organised crime on a large scale.
You don't need to be a time traveller to see how a megalomaniac criminal and notorious con artist shouldn't ever hold such a powerful office.
Good riddance?
I expect many Romanians are saying the same.
I mean I guess? When I think "petty criminal" I don't really associate that at all with child rapists. Or vice versa.
It's the sheer disparity of scale of things. The "most powerful man of the world" using the diplomatic weight of a veritable superpower in order to intervene in a foreign country's justice system to save a pair of ordinary pimps from jail.
Yeah true. I still wouldn't use the word petty but you're right, its absurd.
No immigrant rapists or criminals* except when they have moola for me and my nazi thugs.
something something family values something something LGBTQ+ is bad for the children
On the one hand I'm glad they're out of Europe. On the other, I'm sad they've evaded justice.
What was I expecting from two corrupted countries.
We should bring death sentence back for special occasions and have a referendum to decide if they are gonna die or not.