Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos
Huh. My device seems to have been skipped? I don't do anything special, I'm using Play Store and Play Services, and I'm up to date, but it's not showing up in my settings app list
How is this not bigger news??
SafetyCore Placeholder so if it ever tries to reinstall itself it will fail due to signature mismatch.
And they never say it in a helpful way, either. It's always done in a smug way.
Sometimes it uses a different name I have noticed, try to see if something with a similar is listed
I struggle with GitHub sometimes. It says to download the apk but I don't see it in the file list. Anyone care to point me in the right direction?
At the bottom of the page, it says releases - click on the release that's there, and that's where you'll find the all.
I haven't been able to install it though due to signature mismatch, I'm not sure why...
Scroll down to releases.
Under the end of the readme, the section labelled releases.
i havent had it yet either. only suspicious thing that i notice is some android system intelligence, but that has been there for a while now. i havent dared to uninstall it since i dont know if anything critical is dependent on it. havent even noticed any suspicious network activity either on rethink, beyond the usual bullshit like some uninstalled application still trying to connect to google as "unknown".
My question is, does it install as a stand alone app? Or is it part of a Google Play update chunk that you only find out after Play has updated?
My system does not auto update (by design) so I'd like to know where it sources from. -
Maybe they experimenting installing it on some phones, I had it but an different name. I couldn't find it in my apps lists but when someone posted a direct link to play store app page it showed installed.
Awesome, thanks! You didn't install a previous version did you? Apparently you can't update to the current version due to the signature issue.
Got it, thanks!
Got it, thanks!
Don't use Google Play. Prefer Obtanium, F-Droid or Aurora Store.
Gimme Linux phone, I’m ready for it.
There's an app called obtainium that let's you link the main page of github apps and manages both the download, the instalation and the updates of those apps.
Great if you want the latest software directly from the source.
I can suffer a little smugness if it brings in to the fold atleast one dude who's never heard of LineageOS
Thanks! Til