Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros
He's a tragic case but god damn if this isn't one of the funniest clips on the internet.
Yeah.. didn't expect Google to plain text that one for me...
After Firefox changed its TOS a lot of people (including me) have jumped to LibreWolf. It takes FF, removes any parts that phone home, and turns on many privacy options.
It takes a little tweaking to make all websites work correctly. I have it running almost perfectly on windoze. I tried installing on Ubuntu last night but my Linux newbie status held me back.
This whole thread is a Reddit-style two minutes' hate session that gets pissy about the language of his post without addressing the content.
Eich is right to be wary of US Intelligence infiltration of the non-profit sector, and his characterization of the sector's hiring preferences is probably accurate.
Also the image presented by the glowies concept is hilarious, and demonstrates again why the Right memes better than the Left.
What like a tulip or a pansy?
Eich is out of touch with reality and so are you
That's an interesting opinion to have
Except the content of his post also blames the left, which is kind of fucking stupid when the government is undergoing a billionaire coup of the PayPal boys.
Lol. The right only thinks they're good at meming because you guys huff your own farts. Your memes are cringe and ass.
Not a lady, but I could use the twelve bucks.
Let's not forget the embedded racism in the original claim, which was that "CIA n*ggers glow in the dark."
"Irish need not apply" was a common thing in job ads at one time; asshat here is doing the usual conservative thing of pretending to be unfairly persecuted
Someone's been munching Elon's Special K for breakfast. New marketing tagline just dropped tho:
Brave browser, because you'd be brave to use a browser built by a Nazi
Wow, ketamine is a hell of a drug.
reply to the wrong post?
At that point, why give the nazi fuck any browser usage? If you don't trust the source, don't trust the product.
Like the other person said, use Ungoogled Chromium. I use it on a couple of my devices and it works pretty well.
"Better to be king of the ash pile than have to listen to Tom in accounting talk about his goddamned shitheap of a boat again on Monday."
Oh that queer hating fuck is still around?