Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge
Yeah, viewing a link without opening it is this:
You just viewed a link without opening it.
people use edge? it downloads itself onto your computer without permission.
firefox is starting to enshittify, LIBREWOLF, or another might be better.
There is no full cure. Nothing will offer a Chrome based browser support Manifest v2 after July. Your "cure" is "give up now". Which, hey, if you want to, go for it. But for those that don't for their own reasons, why are you so upset about them having the info about other browsers? I'm offering people information on a option that will preserve the functionality of manifest v2 Chrome based browsers or if they're already using them that are still working meanwhile the article we're talking about is referencing that functionality being removed early.
I find it bizarre that these downvoters are so obsessed with people not having this information. How is this information in peoples hands hurting YOU so much? If you don't want to use Vivaldi? Don't! I'm not your dad. Move on and the people that want this info have it.
None of these small browsers can make significant changes to the original project. A browser nowadays is a super complex bloated thing that requires too much resources to maintain. If even M$ abandoned their engine to go with Chromium (because it was probably costing them a lot of resources to keep compatibility with the evolving standards, security fixes etc.) what hope is there for small companies? Arguably Apple’s Safari has significant differences compared to Chrome, but we’re talking about Apple…
People thinking this is a solution are gonna get disappointed eventually. For now, Firefox is the only alternative product that has been maintained for decades.
At work. Corporate web based software doesn't always play nice in firefox.
Regular Android Firefox has Ublock origins as well.
I've found Gmail really hates firefox, especially with VPN. I have to use one of those masking extensions. I've found that its basically locked me out of my student email.
Hmm I haven't had any issues with my university gmail, I wonder if it's that specific college?
There is no full cure. Nothing will offer a Chrome based browser...
The full cure is a non-Chrome-based browser and you fucking know it.
Why are you arguing in bad faith?
probably wanted to monitor your every move, because the others one might shield your identity.
Not for much more, it seems.
I dont know why people keep recommending brave.
Because it's good.
its a fucking scummy fucking browser that has a history of stealing money, hijacking referal codes (like honey just got in deep trouble over), installing unnecessary software without consent and more.
There may be some other reason for it being this popular.
Because it just works fine and block ads by default, maybe? A wild guess, I know. /s
Wrong. There are browsere whose adblocker doesn't depen on MV2 or MV3. Why are you arguing in bada faith?
True. Most of the negative comments about Chromium here are really obtuse. Looks like people feel the need to gain imaginary internet points by praising a mediocre browser made by a misguided Corp. such as Mozilla.
There are Chrome based addons that require manifest V2 that are NOT adblockers. Again, just because you want it for adblocking doesn't mean your use case is the only one that exists.
The full cure is a non-Chrome-based browser, obviously.
I know, I use one as my primary browser actually!
I'm not arguing in bad faith. I want to have a Chrome based browser with Manifest V2 in addition to that. For those that have the same desire, I'm offering info on that. Thats it.
Right, you don't need extensions, because you don't need customization, because what you need is what we the corp say you need.
I think Web as it exists is a failed branch of evolution.
A networked (solved) hypertext (solved) document (solved) system - yes. A networked hypertext system with one or two unbelievably complex clients, where only enormous corps have enough resources to change something, - no. One can add steps - E2E encryption, dynamic services, scripts, all not requiring a monolithic piece of nonsense.
BTW, those hating Flash, I hope, do realize that its proper, paradigm-abiding replacement would be a FOSS plugin with similar goal, not what we have.