Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt
They'd get better use out of them by turning the batteries into anti personnel landmines.
This isn't the slam dunk you think it is, it's a battle royale game... Everyone is going after everyone.
Ok dude...
I mean it's a "truck" without a truck bed, but sure.
Let me introduce you to this one hidden trick: no-bid contracts.
Replaced by who? And where is the profit in selling something to someone who has no money to buy?
Let me introduce you to 'We ain't got no money to buy anything' trick.
I assure you that the police (and/or other enforcement positions) will be some of the last to "run out of money."
Replaced by teenager Musketeers, like in his doge department.
The reason why police have a ton of "militarized" equipment us because the military puts a lot of gear up for sale as surplus. Our county sheriffs picked up an old hummvee and MRAP for practically nothing.
Cybertrucks aren't mil surp. Maybe years from now but not anytime soon
@angrystego @RangerJosey pretty sure we agreed on WankerPanzer
Still got to have the money. And police departments need to have budget to replace equipment.
I have been elected to a city council several times and have gone over police budgets and it was no easier for the police to get money replace a squad car or get any of the "goodies" you think are so easy to them to get. There is only so much money to be had in any city budget.
Then you are serving the needs of people like Trump, Murdoch, and other billionaires / CEOs / shareholders who'd rather have us fighting each other than working together to restore the American dream.
lol same
Swasticars for swasticucks