Linux users don't customize their systems all that much?!
Well put. But yep, that pretty much somes it up.
The issue is how much stuff seems to just say. Let's not bother at all. I will not the worst OS software for this has commercial names attached to it. Even when OS if some big company is responsible for funding. It's down to the community to fight to get any decent support as a default. Capitalism really dose not want to care about disabled users unless forced. Or medical level profits are attached. But lets ;leave that mess out for now.
Ignore the braindead replies, this was really informative.
If someone has a script to set up HyprLand or Sway with all the necessary components and dotfiles I'm all ears because I just don't have the patience to experiment myself so I'm still on GNOME.
please take your racism elsewhere, sir
JaKooLit has a hyprland script for most distros. If you want to use sway just install from your package manager not much else you need to do. If you wanna use proprietary nvidia drivers with sway you have to install sway-nvidia as well
Just a warning if you're gonna use the JaKooLit the uninstall script CAN brick your DE
Honestly KDE Plasma is pretty good for ne as it is. Sure a few settings here and there but not like with custom styles and scripts and such, so far
That's the thing people don't understand about ricing. It's not about features, not even about functionality. It's about aesthetics. Visually, but also how components interact and UX in general. It's like making art. It's emotional.
Maybe comparable to fancy mechanical keyboards. Am I more productive with mine? No, I could have grabbed any decent keyboard and it would have been the same. However, I like how mine looks, sounds, feels. It makes me happy. It is art I have created.
And that's why customize your system. Not because it's more efficient etc. Because it makes me feel goos like listening to music.
The thing about picnics having their origin in lynchings is a myth.
I've been using the same Arch/KDE box at work for the past 5 years. All default/stock. I have 1 system related issue every couple of months, usually a known issue i can quickly find the solution to. My "maintenance" routine is to update packages once per week. The less customization you do, the less obscure issues you will come across. Life is good.
More customization = Higher chance something breaks.
Admittedly, chances are it's just something minor like your icons looking weird or transparency breaking, but it's still a distracting annoyance (for me at least).
I like that I can customize on the off chance that I need to fuck with something. But defaults have been getting better and better so i've done it less and less.
Cosmic is really great if you want tiling similar to Hyprland or Sway without so much work. I used i3 then Hyprland for years, but have now been using Cosmic for months. Its the only DE that correctly does a tiling workflow imo, even considering extensions.
The problems with preconfigured configs is that they often aren't very dynamic, as in they don't adapt well to other PCs. Many of them will use stuff like CSS for widgets and bars that have stuff like specific pixel sizes, meaning you'll often gave to make changes.
Hyprland has some premade configurations on their wiki if you'd like to try them. I've never tried one, if you do, let me know how it goes!
Another thing to remember is a lot of the stuff you take for granted in a DE don't exist in a WM. Things like autostarts, envvars, background services, etc don't work the same. Hyprland devs created UWSM which will help with all of this.
It is important to understand the context of a word. Many words and phrases have racist origins, including many words you likely use without knowing. Meanings change, and that's not a bad thing. If people hurt by the term pushed for it to stop being used, I would of course respect this. I have never seen who could be targeted with the term be offended by its usage in the Linux community. Currently, the majority of people who talk about Linux customization call it "ricing", and none of them are doing it with ill intent.
You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I've been a petrolhead all my life and the only context I've ever heard it used is to derogatorily describe modified Japanese cars. The people on the receiving end definitely took offense to it, because that was the intention.
Yeah, nowdays DEs embedded customisation options cover so must of their default user-base needs that they are basically rice cookers.
And that is how open sauce works, it develops over time according to needs, not based on boardroom needs, monetization-focused panel research, and constant UI changed just for the sake of it.