Steam Deck Gaming News
I like the idea of RetroDeck over EmuDeck, but a couple things hold me back.
- When an emulator goes under (a la Yuzu) does it get removed from the RetroDeck package on the next update, or does the already installed emulator stay put?
- Ryujinx has been declared legacy (no longer updated) as of RetroDeck 0.9b, but a fork of the project still continues to receive updates. EmuDeck's Ryujinx pulls from this repo, where as RetroDeck's source is dated. Is there a way to switch over within RetroDeck?
Hmmm, I hadn't heard of Retrodeck before (or more likely, I forgot about it). How does it compare to Emudeck?
This is a banger post, good work!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, tables
As a preface, I used to do this a lot on Reddit. My hobby (sounds odd) was to make a little old-school-blog-style post, detailing what I found interesting in gaming in the last week or so. I got a name for it, for a time, but having long-since abandoned reddit I thought I might try the same thing here, if you'll indulge me!
Happy to have you posting!
People like you make lemmy great
Nice, thanks for all the effort, keep them coming !
Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I dunno if you are aware but there's also a steam deck sub here and they'd probably be happy if this was posted there too.
Agreed! There's apparently a huge ecosystem that I wasn't aware of!
Quality post!!! More of this please.
Everyone I know who has a deck absolutely loves it
Both WordPress and Ghost support federation to some degree, so that would also enable interaction via the Fediverse!
Excellent write up, defo want more of this in the near future 🤟
Excellent post! Any time I see one of these from you I’m going to upvote and comment just in case it gets it onto more screens.
I still haven’t tried the steam deck, but it seems like such an awesome system. I won’t be in the market for one any time soon but maybe by the time I am, there will be a Deck 2.