Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
This is dumb.
Just permanently switch to buying from AliExpress.
Don't just delay and then buy delayed 5 days later.
Send money to wfp party instead of Dems.
have u ever forgotten to pay at Walmart?
buy a gun while u can. It takes some fucking effort in blue states.
go on Amazon - you can print a custom garden flag.
Print Luigi and post it in your yard. -
start building a troll farm
Can't - they practically monopolized china reshipment and white labeling In US.
Best u can do - check qlibaba, temu, AliExpress first and order from there
Amazon monopolized china reselling industry
TFW when I rarely use Amazon anyway.
My hope would be that some people realize they don't need it after all and cancel their subscriptions and such.
"Vote with your wallets" is a common expression among Americans after all.
How exactly will this disrupt the system?
I cancelled my prime membership. I'm going to look around for alternatives before I delete my account which I more than likely will be doing at this point.
I mostly shop on eBay now. Way better anyway.
I don't even understand what people buy so often. I can easily go a month without buying a new physical item that's not like, food
Do you guys really rely on Amazon so much that one week without feels like a protest? Seriously?
Amazon breaking new records after the "protest"
I used to use amazon mainly if i looked for some item that i didn't even nnow existed, because their search function used to be pretty good. Or to get ratings on a product or whatever. I rarely ever bought something. Now all that is useless. No matter what you search, they show the sposored shit, and the ratings are stupid, most things are temu dropshippers.
I really liked ebay like 20 years ago. Now at least here, it's just for people dropshipping stuff or sell stuff super overpriced. Like more expensive than new. It's such a weird place.
What got me is the upcoming one week Nestle and one week General Mills boycotts... Do the people who came up with these boycotts not realize that the stores that carry those products, already paid for those products? And the rebuttal to any skepticism is that it'll at least get people used to not buying these products or shopping at these places. Do people really need to take baby steps? Is that how much we, as a society, are addicted to buying things? Pat yourself on the back America! Fascism may be quickly on the rise, but good work, you didn't buy Cheerios for a whole week!
To give up the addiction to 1-click buy for a week? And you call this a protest?
I think I understand why orange guy is your president, and feels now that it is exactly the president you deserve. It is just a mirror of how rotten the current society is.
Shitty that it will affect us all. But well, I can only hope we won't have to kill each other in another stupid war.
I avoid them as much as possible purely because their in-house logistics company recently started doing their deliveries here instead of DHL, and they are absolutely terrible. Delivery times range from 7 AM to 9 PM and they just leave the package in front of your door without even ringing the doorbell
hey, come on, this is a good start.
It should be replaced with a complete boycott, but both americans with impulse control will propably boycott amazon. For the rest, it's a great start and you can bet it will not be the last. -
As an euro I also use it rarely but it just has unbeatable price and availability for products sometimes. The only alternative is aliexpress, which isn't a real alternative since China can go get fucked too.