Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
Correct, that's Temu.
You guys buy from Amazon?
Ooooooh 7 whole days???? That'll teach 'em. What is this, Whale Wars?
Wait until the last 2 weeks of the fiscal quarter instead of mid-cycle and the rebound bump won't show up on their quarterly earnings, which will fuck their stock value, which is the only thing that matters to them.
You can make a seven days long hunger strike and that is commendable.
But a previously delimited week not buying commodities you don't need from a particular company with literally thousands of alternatives, sounds just completely ridiculous.
You are not boycotting food production, or sewage, or drinking water... You are suggesting that a seven days strike in buying the Vaseline you will need from the retailer that creates that same need is kind of a revolutionary action.
¡From the people that is dismantling your state!
Your society (and I'm really sorry to tell you this crudely) is deeply sick, if you think this is somehow fierce.
I cancelled mine recently and will actively try to avoid using it. They also need competition.
What have you been using to order RAM/disks/whatever?
We need to turn this into a cancellation party
Don't hurt your back patting it so hard!
Whatever. I don't think this suggested action is of any use, but quite the opposite, and in other circumstances I would not say anything about it. But what we are going through, in my opinion, is important enough to call it out. Sorry if it sounded condescending, but for once, I think it has to be said.
I've already been "boycotting amazon" for a while because everything on there is complete dogshit or overpriced and I just don't feel a need to buy anything from them.
Also their website doesn't fucking work on my phone.
I cancelled Amazon years ago and haven’t looked back. Initial FOMO for basic things and for hard to find items. Funny enough, you get better shipping and better deals FROM the actual company than through Amazon.
Fuck Amazon and anything Bezos owns. Stop funding these billionaire fucks.
Yep. Half their products feel cheaper in quality than Temu. I cancelled Amazon years ago when I realized they let ANYONE sell on there. Pair that with the corporate monopoly they and others hold, I passed on supporting it.
A one-week boycott is completely ineffective by design.
Amazon's executives aren't sweating over losing a week of your business. They're a trillion-dollar company that thinks in quarters and years, not days. They'll gladly wait out this symbolic week of inconvenience.
The moment you put an expiration date on your boycott, you've surrendered all leverage. They have zero incentive to change anything because they know you'll be back ordering Prime deliveries next Monday.
Real - actual - boycotts work by creating genuine economic pressure that forces companies to reconsider their practices. They require commitment, not just temporarily pausing your shopping habits.
Emphasis on >habits<, because we're not talking about political parties, it's a shop. A humongous shop for sure, but still a shop, and you can buy what you want from other places.
If you want to actually impact Amazon, you need to be willing to walk away indefinitely until they address your concerns. Otherwise, it's just performative.
Can't remember the last time I bought something from there.
B&H is a solid source for computer parts.
There are things only sold on Amazon because that's where the global mass market is. Even though Amazon does not have a site for every individual country, which other shopping website deliveries to almost every single country? If you want to replace Amazon, spend $5 billion to develop a competitor.