Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
Because only five people care
One day boycotts will never have any impact.
Warning shot? Laughable. Warning shots are for before election. Now is the time for the ACTUAL shots
there are a few things i get on there mostly because i can't get them anywhere else but i don't think i've used amazon in a while - definitely not for christmas this year.
The problem with boycotts like this, is they do essentially nothing... A single day, week, or even a full month of boycotts can only be successful if a critical mass of people do it at once. And frankly, they're not going to get that.
The people most likely to boycott Amazon and the like are people whom already don't purchase things from Amazon, or lightly do it. Amazon if fine with that, because eventually people go back to buying. So what, they're gonna post one bad quarter? Small price to pay for doing business.
You can't boycott evil businesses. You have to stop using them entirely. Forever. And most people simply aren't willing to.
Boycotts like this do nothing because the people most willing to "participate" are people who already don't purchase from Amazon. Even if you were able to get a critical mass of people to participate for even 3 months. So what? Amazon will post 1 bad quarter and then things go back to business as usual. Nothing happens. They don't even really lose any money. At least none out of pocket, of which they have plenty for things such as this.
Amazon is a subscription model. You want to hurt them, then hurt their subscriptions. Don't boycott them, cancel Prime.
It's very hard to avoid buying stuff on Amazon even if we hate them. This provides a bit of extra motivation.
I used to buy a ton of Amazon stuff. Mostly art supplies, pet supplies, clothes, novelties I didn't need.
One day, I was browsing Reddit and I was like-- "what is this boycott thing all about?" and then I started by not ordering for one whole day!
Then one whole week!
Then one whole month!
Anyway, I ended up cancelling my Prime subscription, deleting my Amazon account completely, and cancelling my Prime Store credit card.
Then at work, for Valentine's Day, we each received a $200 dollar Amazon gift card as an employee appreciation gift.
I spoke up and said that I would prefer to receive cash or nothing at all because my values did not align with Amazon-- which caused many of my coworkers to decline theirs as well.
It was so perplexing to leadership, that they decided that going forward they are just going to give us a $200 cash bonus on our paychecks
So anyways, that's the impact one of these "pointless" boycott posts had on me.
I'd eat a baby if it tasted good.
Yeah i stopped using amazon years ago. So I can't really join. Plus amazon makes so much money from orime sub aand truly absence amounts from aws.
So anyways, that’s the impact one of these “pointless” boycott posts had on me.
I didn't say they were pointless. I say they don't do anything. What does do something is this;
I ended up cancelling my Prime subscription
That's it. You "buying a ton" on amazon is small peanuts in the grand scheme. Even if you buy a lot amazon is only making a percentage of whatever you spend. Something like 30%. So even if you spend $10k in a year, they make $3,000 net and have to deduct for the cost of getting those items to you. When all the financials are worked out, it's next to nothing.
The price of their subscription service is their e-penis. They get to say "500 million people pay for Amazon Prime!" @ $139/yr is $69.5 billion. You can buy nothing and they can still survive... But if you stop paying for Prime they lose their e-penis, which affects their stock price, which loses them bargaining rights with their suppliers and ultimately can affect the price of Prime itself.
It's the surest way to kill them.
I figured out my new Ubiquity firewall can block Amazon and Amazon video with a few clicks. Added bonus that the tv was sending GBs of data that way, without us using the app.
Easily done, I already avoid them.
I can't deny the convenience Amazon provide people in terms of their logistics and the range of products available in one place.
In saying that, it's really not that difficult to forgo, and there are plenty of alternatives. Don't buy books: get a library card. Buy your electronics from Canada Computers or other similar stores. Healthy Planet and are great for cosmetics and self care. Trade prime for a Plex server. There are plenty of options.
I fully deleted my amazon account at the start of this Trump mess and asked them to delete all of my personal data. Life goes on.
I agree about the "everything in one place"; besides that, in terms of shopping, there's not much to it. There used to be some services that were pretty neat, e.g. unlimited cloud storage for photos (including RAW files) for something like 50 EUR/year, but of course they axed that.
Plenty of alternatives for everything, just maybe a little less convenient.
In terms of media, I don't stream; whatever I pay for is either at local shows where I buy CDs from artists directly, or through label stores, or through outlets like Bandcamp (btw it's Bandcamp Friday right now until the end of the weekend, go support what you like).