BlackBerry's iconic keyboard patent has expired
I give you my permission to claim it as your own when you finally get that time machine working.
I hope we see more keyboard phones. I'd buy an iPhone with a keyboard.
Very nice, I didn't know this existed. Looks very blackberry-esque.
I was a palm treo man myself. I was way faster after a year or two on those than I am after a decade of iPhone.
Forgot about this one. I loved this phone back in the day. Remember when it would say
when you booted it up? -
Look up clicks keyboard. Might be the closest you'll get
Yeah I've considered it. But it's just so loong.
I never used T9 because of that. It never knew what I want to say.
I miss phone keyboards so much. I wish I still had a slide out keyboard
They were so fantastic for gaming. I could actually see what was happening on the screen.
Just last week I upgraded from an LG V30. It was still running Android 8 and the battery would only last half of a day but I loved that phone.
RIP LG phones, I will miss you.
I loved my BB Bold 9000, but the physical keyboard did reduce the screen size to a rather small form factor compared to modern phones. And I dare say that swyping is faster and just as accurate, so even if there would be new phones coming out with hardware keyboards of the same quality as old BlackBerry's, I doubt I would switch back.
Hopefully that means somebody other than Unihertz will make a keyboard phone.
I don’t need it to be super high end, I’d just rather not own a Chinese made phone with all the data they send back.
I'm 40% dolomite
My HTC Desire Z (aka T-Mobile G2) got many years of extra use as a dedicated emulation machine for exactly that reason.
It's not three straight rows of keys with the other buttons on a fourth row at the bottom. That's what BB had a design patent for.
BB being able to protect itself from the big players is actually a success story of patents. The 800 lb gorilla's of the industry never made as good of a keyboard, but if they could have copied BB's superior design, they would have stomped them in a heartbeat.
There's a lot of shit about what happens for a dying company and selling patents and so forth that absolutely is scummy. Serious discussion needs to happen there, but calling for them to be abolished? That's just naive.
5 line keyboard!
I had forgotten! Relive the magic:
With all the craze to make phones super thin, soon they'll be so thin you could add a sliding keyboard on it, and it'll be thinner than phones of a year or two ago!