Solar-powered device captures carbon dioxide from air to make sustainable fuel
Interesting. I wonder how they catch the CO2 out of the air.
Ok, after reading (parts of) the paper:
- they use some amines on porous Silicate to catch the CO2 out of the air
- the whole process in the paper is actually a 2-step process, the first step being CO2 capture
- the second step describes how to convert CO2 into CO+H2 or sth
i find the technology itself more interesting than the scaling-up, because we can't do anything about the scaling up (at least i don't have billions of dollars that it would cost), but we can analyze the process qualitatively from home, that's more exciting.
i think acetogens are biological entities, though?
wasn't there some rule about industrial processes being 10x to 100x more efficient than biological beings, in general?
there's no such rule
Lol, how is this different then hydrogen for example? Its renewable if just carbon dioxide is consumed during generation
Hydrogen fuel isn’t really renewable, even if the PR agents of companies creating it tell so.
Edit: at fact check, I found this, maybe there is a way after aTo your comparison: Hydrogen only releases water if burned.
And getting CO2 out of air is very resource intensive and we need to pull a lot CO2 out, if the air to get back to “normal” levels. We can not afford to put any CO2 back into the atmosphere, after the hard work getting it out.