Nobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car
You're either deliberately obtuse, or simple reading comprehension is beyond you. Either way, waste of time explaining anything.
This is exactly what this polarizing title intended to do. Attract people like you who relativise the atrocities Hitler has done. Populism is a bitch and you're falling right for it.
Just give me a informative article with normal title and stop filling Lemmy with all of this clickbaity populistic shit that helps nobody. I'm tired of it and tired of discussing it too.
nazis didn't exist, they were all confused autists making awkward gestures
Do you really not know about R2 and R3??
It's called inflation.
so we can kill government workers and important people easier? i think elon Musk funded the failed trump assassinations /j
The same way you have a nazi uniform.
No evidence, except for that the entire first paragraph of that page describes his exact behavior. No need to be a bootlicker
I have BYD badges that should be here any day.
Musk still gets some money if you ever need parts. I had to replace the heater and went to non tesla shop. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get a used heater so I had to buy a new part.
You're not open to calling a Nazi a Nazi. Fuck you.
The audacity calling me a Nazi. You don't know anything about me. Rekativising the atrocities Hitler has done by using Nazism as a common term. You don't know anything.
Pretty soon the only government workers left will be Trumpler's goons. I'm ok with them dying in swastikars.
"you" was rhetorical. You do understand that someone can wear a Nazi uniform? That is no different than driving a nazi car.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Musk isn't a member of the Nazi party. He does hold a lot of important views in common with them, however. He also associates with people who fit most of the rest.
What percentage do you think is needed before calling someone a Nazi?
Q4 2024 was before all the overt nazi shit.
But I agree that calling it dead is premature.
Their cars are pretty good. That is not the problem.
I've heard mixed stuff, like some people saying it's plastic and stuff and only serviceable via Tesla if things go wrong?
Others I know have driven it for years and have been happy except the whole Musk shit which leads to your point.