$HOME, Not So Sweet $HOME
its a step in the right direction. that way all flatpak apps are going to be there, no fuss.
I hate all the cruft in my home directory, but I also hate when stuff suddently stop working after an update, or when all the documentation online talks about something that doesn't work on my system or is not there anymore. Developers are the ones that will have to deal with people with these issues, so I can see why they are reluctant to implement the naive solutions that some ask for.
My home directory has its own nearly full 300gb partition, so it could be better...
auto main() -> int
What programming language is this even?!
That just seems like
int main()
with extra steps -
Defining the return type that way can be used when dealing with template sorcery - there's no use for it here though, not even for readability in any way.
my favorite bit is how hostile some are after all this time about xdg beyond a simple WONTFIX https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/XDG_Base_Directory#Hardcoded
I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you're used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.
I have recentlly created a data directory in my home dir, and moved almost everything I need to it. Even configs and program data are in it somewhere I find ok, and symlinked to the xdg dirs (I know i can make my new location the xdg dir for config and data, but this way I selectively add stuff to my now main config, so it remains more pristine)
Monocultures are great every 20 years, but Spock would say 'IDIC'.
Systemd, networkManager, 'consistent' naming; were it not for bleeding edge vs enterprise, and the packaging differences they bring, you'd only have the logos to discern SuSE from Kubuntu.
Not a ringing endorsement. Of anything.
I read most of his points and I agree with them...
But I have so much else to worry about, I just can't get worked up about this.
And I think he is ignoring the firestorm that would ensue if, say, openssh tried to change from using the current directory. There would probably be five forks started immediately to restore the original functionality - and is ssh really adding new features like he claims?
Maybe it could be a config option in the site install (which I thought it already was), but forcing a change to fix what is a minor problem isn't worth the headache.
I do hate that some of those package systems install software into home. It inflates my backups dramatically and unnecessarily. I use opt for that sort of thing instead. For example, my immich socket install is in /opt.