Gaming chat platform Discord in early talks with banks about public listing
It also has plenty of utility for non-information-storing purposes. It's more of a cultural issue than an issue with the tool.
Besides, wouldn't it take all the information there to its grave as well, making its death a net information loss? After all, information confined it is still information stored somewhere, just not as easily accessible directly from the Web.
I mean, what's "ready" mean in this context? Voice and video are still being worked on. They're going for maximum compatibility so they have to reverse engineer the way Discord does things, so it's taking a while.
And there goes another good company...
It will still have the social platform inertia that keeps many people on Twitter despite wanting to leave. If enough of the other people you want to talk to are there, what good is leaving?
In the case of communities, it's even worse: you can possibly operate multiple platforms as an individual, but a community splitting its conversations across two platforms is now two communities. The best you can hope for is that most of the active members on the old (also) join the new and eventually bring their activity with them, but that relies on a lot of individual decisions.
Information that cant be indexed by a search engine is completely worthless to anyone looking for answers. It might aswell not be there.
I would be tempted to say that it will now turn to shit, but in Discord's case it was pretty shit already.
Maybe the search engines should start crawling and indexing discord
Jason Citron, the Discord founder and CEO, had a company called OpenFeint that got into a lot of trouble regarding selling illegally obtained private user data.
In 2011, OpenFeint was party to a class action suit with allegations including computer fraud, invasion of privacy, breach of contract, bad faith and seven other statutory violations. According to a news report "OpenFeint's business plan included accessing and disclosing personal information without authorization to mobile-device application developers, advertising networks and web-analytic vendors that market mobile applications".
"User has joined your channel"
Matrix and XMPP are decentralized, much better than Revolt for that purpose.
It would probably take a lot of information to its grave, but the more known "servers" would probably get crawled by archive teams.
Also - assuming Discord wouldn't be replaced by something equally closed off from easy public access - all new information would be easier to access.
When Discord started, they marketed it primarily as a voice chat software for gaming. I remember them marketing it as "superior audio quality to TeamSpeak" or similar wording (which by the way wasn't the case). It obviously has chat, video chat and screen sharing conveniently built in which TeamSpeak is only starting to add now in 2025 with the TS6 beta (they seem kind of lost atm).
I always preferred the decentralized nature of TeamSpeak and Mumble though and at least from my own experience, TS tends to work better with fewer connection issues and better autogain and voice leveling.
I don't like the fact that most people happily gave up decentralized voice chat for a centralized alternative and we still use TeamSpeak in most of my circles to this day.
I don't know why people trusted Discord, it's one of the worst platforms and I say this while I use it because I had to settle for that (friends) like I had to settle for WhatsApp (family and work)
Irc was better for chat, ventilo is better for audio, and matrix is pretty much the same but better. Discord sucks like Twitter did and I can't wait for it to go away.
Thank God I convinced my fiancee to move our VCs to Wire, away from WhatsApp and Discord.
Discord blocks all attempts at crawling their "public" servers
Matrix (element?) can do everything Discord does.
Mumble, wire, etc
you were right
Your enjoy discord???
Good, that will teach people to use such a shit platform to store "important" information. I hope tons of apps and programs and games crash and burn with it so the lesson sticks.