Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop
Mercedes also includes a number of items as a subscription in some countries. Some stuff is app related. Others are things like getting full use of your rear-steering wheels and unlocking extra horsepower.
They'll justify stuff like that by telling you they sold it to you at a discount price because the ads offset your costs. That's what Amazon did with the cheap tablet I bought for my wife.
my 2008 BMW is the last without a computer screen and none of that stupid knob and I had to seek it out but it was absolutely worth it. Bonus that I can actually work on the car my self!
Fark rules!
Japanese manufacturers are not perfect but seem to be the least interested in doing this kind of anti-consumer nonsense, at least for now. I have been happy with every Mazda I've owned in the last decade (3 in total) for what it's worth.
Uncle Teddy would definitely not approve of this.
Something something stallmanwasright.
Toyotas are still good
But then who will I play blackjack with?
People can like jeeps bro calm down
This is all I need to never even look at a Jeep... how pathetic can these idiots get?
Cool. What does that have to do with the whole "Jeep Culture" thing?
Who so they think owns the Jeeps?
Easy, they call their cars something like renegade or maveric and some idiots pay 80k for that shitbox
I've known several Jeep owners over the last decade and those that weren't buying it strictly for the 'Jeep clout' as an actual vehicle/daily driver had constant issues, while under warranty, and dealt with issues even trying to get said warranty work done.
Like that wasn't enough for me, on top of that I had a mechanic with his own shop that said he'd never touch another Jeep because of how horribly they are designed to work on. Anything from ease of access to work on the engine to bolts stripping out because they were overtorqued during assembly and made with shit metals that would sooner melt than come off in one piece.
Now this? Yeah, hope they go bankrupt. This is just as bad as BMW and their 'pay a subscription for seat warmers' bullshit. -
I think cars peaked ca. 2010. Anything added after that are annoyances or things being taken away.
If I could get a brand new facelift E90, that would probably be my next car.
Cyberpunk 2077 here we come.
except its just the Corpo shit. -
Yeah I've never heard anything good about jeeps in general. Now they are being run further into the ground by trying to become a luxury brand. At least when it was just a shitty jeep, it was still a somewhat cheap shitty jeep.
Toyota Sales here
Boy do I have some BMW Heated seat subscription crap to sell you(Its not quite as bad as BMW. But one thing that really irks customers is the remote starter is restricted to a subscription service. unless you're one of the lucky ones who got a vehicle that installed the wrong part/fuses. in which case you can still remote start your car with the fob. its still very finnicky)
Drivers don't need to be watching the road, they need to be watching this ad.