Proton will no longer post on Mastodon
Bittwarden or KeyPassXC are good self-hosteable alternatives.
Yeah but without email aliases it would not be worth it
Twitter API costs $$$ to use
Proton just dropping the ball over and over again these days. That's why I'm working on migrating from their sevices, then deleting my Proton account.
I think you mean PR department.
What do you mean by email aliases?
Does this have anything to do with the CEO expressing his support for Trump?
Almost certainly, yes.
People on Mastodon are not happy about those statements, and called Proton out on it relentlessly with every post Proton made. This is Proton running away with their tail between their legs, back to platforms where they have more control and/or are already full of right-wing nutjobs.
If anyone's looking for secure email, look at instead. The email service is very similar in terms of UX and offers better encryption. They don't offer the rest of Proton's suite, but...maybe that's a good thing? I mean, do you want to get locked into an ecosystem?
Every account I have on the internet has a unique randomly generated email that forwards to my real email.
iCloud and Proton are the two big names that support this. It’s invaluable.
They also can't control the narrative on Mastodon like they do on Reddit and Lemmy through "volunteer mod" Nelizea.
Imo it's more like leaving the town full of bullies.. completely understandable, I would do the same. Insane amount of hate, for one mistake. People can only see black and white these days..
Proton doing shady proton things again.
Who would have guessed that. -
You must be new to the internet. People make a drama out of every little shit.
Their damage was already done with that CEO statement (for me), since after those remarks I cancelled my VPN plan with them. I'm not someone who's going to then follow them around and post negative comments on their Mastodon, X, reddit account whenever they post. I'm just going to walk away.
So, they will move to where their base is, just like trump did and they can sell there stuff to a smaller percentage of the market if they want. I will never understand why a company would actively try to cut their sales base in half or whatever.
apparently yes. it's still sad to see. There wasn't a single post done by proton that didn't immediately derail into people blaming about "the issue", and they just couldn't stop. Not a fun time, and there isn't anything the company can do to convince these people otherwise, they are just a lost in hate
Wonser if the media manager there got fired or something. Should look at their jobs board
Agreed. I don't support their decision to leave mastadon but I totally understand why they did it. Proton is on our side (as much as a company can be) so I don't get why people keep ripping into them for something that isn't true. He wasn't saying he supported Trump, he just hoped the republican party would do something about big tech. Not gonna happen but we can all agree we hope it'll happen
From a historical perspective, he wasn't wrong. The republicans were looking more at big tech cause, in the past, big tech was very left leaning. Things have obviously changed but your quote misses that he was hopeful that Trump would do something for big tech. His hope is obviously miss placed after big tech started sicking his dick but doesn't mean he couldn't be hopeful
Ah, I see the confusion. Originally you mentioned two Proton services, password manager and email provider. The person who replied to you suggested two alternative password managers (one commercial, the other one FOSS). You then replied saying without a specific email feature it would be pointless, which would be fair for an alternative email provider but doesn't apply in this case.