How to secure your phone before attending a protest
how to secure your phone for a protest.
don't fucking bring it
If you aren't communicating that a protest happened, then it didn't happen.
It's quite literally the entire point.
Buy a burner, keep the battery out until you arrive at the protest, remove the battery when you leave the protest. Don't store any phone numbers in that phone.
Not that protesting will do anything anymore, that time has come and gone
But you do see how you're very much engaging in stereotyping by saying that "They historically chose to address that by becoming cops" as if somehow a) all Irish people in America became cops, and b) the experiences of the Irish diaspora in America are somehow representative of all Irish people... Right?
Like, seriously, go ask some Irish people in Northern Ireland how they feel about cops some time. Depending on who you ask you're guaranteed to get some wildly different answers.
Smile only existed to bleed referral revenues away from search engines. Once enough people started using their app directly they no longer needed smile to make them skip referrers.
This so much!
Leave all Bluetooth devices at home as well as they have unique IDs that can be tied back to you as well.
And if you're worried about your stereo you can always pull the fuse so it gets no power then put the fuse back when you get home.
Need directions? Print them and DO NOT LOSE THE PAPER!
Going to peaceful protests are useful because it can help you meet some more like-minded folks.
Not to mention sometimes a protest starts peaceful and then goes to shit.
I disagree about saving numbers, you should add your emergency contacts and anyone you went with in case you get separated or shit goes down
I wouldn’t bring paper directions unless they lead to and from a place that ISN’T related to you. Somewhere you know you can get to and from by heart but is a public place, for instance. Don’t give away a beautiful map from your home address To the protest.
At least you didn't call it a camcorder.
remove the battery
Don't forget a portable heat gun, suction cup and prying tools. /j
Again. IF we decide that "paddy wagon" is a slur toward the Irish, it is specifically a slur toward Irish cops. And fuck the police.
Simple as that.
Like I said, I'll try to avoid it in the future because even though there is very little evidence that it is even a slur toward Irish cops, it sounds enough like one that I would rather avoid it. But I am not gonna lose ANY sleep over oppressors getting their fee fees hurt because people don't like them.
But seriously, unless there’s some reason to stream live, old tricks are sometimes still the best tricks.
Cops who know they are being recorded MIGHT behave slightly better. It is why they are so hellbent on never wearing bodycams ever again.
An SD card on the person of someone being thrown in the back of a van to have an "accident" on the way to booking? Not so useful.
Bring an old point and shoot digital camera though. Pics and video might keep you from getting locked up.
It really just depends what shenanigans you intend to get up to. No method is perfect, and it's good for everyone to remember that there's multiple options available.
Which search engines would do that?
If it came to that, the SD card would be confiscated and/or the camera smashed.
Please execute in a dust and static free environment.
Start protecting your privacy by not visiting the Verge and the 876 partners they share your personal data with.
Or just... memorize them?
(Does nobody do that anymore?)