Everybody upvote Luigi content!
i said something about israel on worldnews at the start of the gaza conflict, site wide suspension for 7 days, i largely abandoned that acct, and went witha throwaway(and mostly avoided that sub). then i was banned last month with the throwaway triggered a multi-ban.
same thing happened to me, but on a different sub. "they said report abuse is not allowed" so i was temp ban on a technology sub, funny enough. and it just triggered a full sitewide ban for all my other accts with little warning.(im pretty sure the temp suspension was going to get perma banned down the line, because i heard other used got banned sitewide after thier temp ban ended for no reason at all, which was caused by an error on thier part which they refused to do anything.) basically if you been temp banned the filters on subs dont reset so it detects you as a ban evader if you comment on the sub again, even if you are in the clear.
and they allow r/conservative constantly hit the front page now, when it almost never did prior to the election.,
reddit has been sliding right wing for a while, 90% of the posts are about trump, and not really the important things hes doing behind the scenes, just "reaction posts" of trumps gaffes.
I got banned but their site is so shit the links to the message you got banned for never work. Been banned/warned enough times it's not a one off either.
I use 4G for my home internet, my IP address changes so frequently.
The thing is said last summer that got me permabanned was “international law states that occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist occupation and fight back by any means possible” reddit has an aversion to facts as do all conservatives and their fellow neo liberal boot lickers
And it’s so much worse now with how many sub comments and posts that sub has. It’s painfully obvious they’ve replaced even the most devout users with autogenerated agenda posts. That place is some of the most obvious propaganda I’ve seen on the internet
If it's anything but fasc or bootlicker content, they've been trying to ban it.
He’s defending Nazis because the president and “prime minister” are overt Nazis.
Reddit mods can't see who reported things, only that something was reported. I used to be the head mod for a 1M+ sub. The admins can see that though, and mods can forward reports to the admins for review.
yea they can get "this account is connected with these points though" from what ive heard. but subs can also know if there are too many reports being done.
they must be getting the identity of the reporter from the admins, if the mods are nosey enough. im guessing thats how they got some of my accts that way. but a couple times on different subs, the mods personally messaged the ban message" and ranted why the other user wasnt reportable"
IDK, they may have changed things since I was a mod last. It's been at least 4-5 years.