Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations!
And I'm a total wuss, too. But after becoming so enamored with the REmakes, I went searching for games to scare me!
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix. If the first three Fast and Furious movies tickle your fancy, it’s the go to game
It’s my wife’s favorite game. She has a small shrine to it in her library!
Def Jam 2: Fight for NY. It's basically like some of the older WWF wresling games where there can be 4 fighters at a time, but you can only be targetting one at a time. But all the fighters are rappers. The finishing moves are awesome!
Ace Combat Zero! Or 4, 5, and Zero (in that order) if you want a lot of it.
My personal favorites on PS2, as someone who did not own a PS2 while it was still being manufactured and sold as new. This does not include remakes/remasters or games that have better ports on other platforms (for example, Soul Calibur 2 on GameCube, Dead or Alive 2 on Xbox, Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 Another Cases on PSP, or Need for Speed Underground 2 on PC).
Haunting Ground
CyGirls (Both discs are fun but I prefer disc 1)
Drakengard 1 & 2
Lifeline (requires microphone, very underrated) -
Monster Rancher 3. The monster rancher games were favourites of mine as a kid.
Klonoa 2
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
Beatmania IIDX (if you don't mind connecting a keyboard to play)
...from what I've read and seen in the past, that game can be rather risky on one's thumbsticks due to all the efforts in making yourself look as amazing as possible.
(sounds worth it, tbh, thanks!)
Must be sad to be so in love with a game which seems to be mostly forgotten, but I love her shrine
Need for speed underground 2, this is my favourite racing game of all time. I sunk so much time into it.
You know I was never a car girl...for the most part.
But the last 12 months or so I have become obsessed with rally racing: the games, and the history (Group B!). From there I ended up watching general car movies, like Le Mans (or is the title The 24 Hours of Le Mans? I never remember), and finally...yes, just finished watching the original two Fast and Furious movies just last week!
I think I like the second one most, it is cringe, but in a fun nice way!Thank you, this looks perfect!
Mercenaries GOAT
love seeing it mentioned
Well, if nothing else, it’s on my Steam Deck too, and the decks seem to make the game more accessible to people who don’t have an eight-hundred dollar bill lying around.
I don't know how "must add" they are, but the Shadow Hearts series was fun for me. I really liked that it was a turn based RPG where skill mattered a little more than others. It had a wheel that spun, and depending on the move, items, etc, your attack would be stronger or weaker depending on where in that wheel you stopped the pointer.
Not exactly a suggestion, but why emulate Okami instead of just running the PC version?
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is great classic fun
Midnight club 3 dub edition was THE game my brother and I played to the point the disk stopped reading eventually. That was a sad day.
If you're getting into motorsports in general and you liked rally I might recommend checking out the isle of Mann tt. It's the single most deadly motorsports event held each year. It averages more than two and a half deaths every year. Last year was super rare in that nobody died. Last time that happened was like 2012 I think. The most insane race car drivers in the world will tell you that nobody is more batshit crazy that the Isle of man riders. Even rally drivers look at them and think they are nuts.
Some racing recommendations:
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (the PS2 version is the best one)
Burnout 3 Takedown AND Revenge, both are stellar
Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 and Drift 2
I’m with the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus stans, but I’d be curious how your emulation handles the light effects. PCSX2 struggles in my experience.