Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations!
I'm not particularly into sports games but the NBA Street and NFL Street games were SUPER fun. Everything else I loved has already been mentioned in this thread though.
Crazy taxi got quite a bit of attention, and it deserved far more. Great gameplay loop
What's wrong with it? I enjoyed playing it on PS2.
I fucking love Gauntlet Dark Legacy, though if the Steam Deck is capable of Xbox emulation that's my preferred version since you can save powerups for when you need them.
Soul reaver
Grand teresmo
Rayman 2
Honestly any version but the GameCube one lol
Do your best.
Frequency & Amplitude:
The originators of the modern "rhythm game" genre.
Listen to this person and also play Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc is where it's at. I consider that peak Rayman. Would love another game with that vibe.
You and I would have been friends in 2001. We'd have smoked some weed, and played that stoner game where hou create a story one word at a time......and somehow, that one word always ends up being "penis".
No one mentioned the Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank games. Those were my childhood growing up and in my opinion hold up gameplay-wise to this day.
Plus the Jak series have a native launcher called OpenGOAL.
While I never played them myself, I have heard good things about the Sly Cooper series.
Crash Nitro Kart and some of the PS2 Crash platformers are pretty good
Fuck I miss SSX.
I need to make sure I have a good one in my rom folder. -
Chronontrigger and cross are both good on the SD.
Nooo, wait who actually plays Drakengard? I love that game to bits, but I would never tell someone to play it. Was I just bad? That game is truly awful, haha.
Its one of the games I like. I would mever haven followed the story if I didn't play the game. OP doesn't have to follow my list.
Most of the good stuffs been mentioned, so some B-Sides:
If you like JRPGs, the Xenosaga series
NBA Street 2
Don't think I saw Jak and Daxter mentioned, they're great
Freedom Fighters is flawed but so fun
Not yet mentioned:
Prince of Persia Trilogy (Sands of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones)
God of War 1&2
Devil May Cry 1-3
Bully (Canis Canem Edit in PAL)
Under the Skin
Viewtiful Joe 1&2