In Response to Amazon preventing to download books you bought: Some DRM free bookstores and publishers
.......can I get clued into whats being discussed? What is Anna?
Lots here too.
I always look on and GoG first!
An archive.
I suggest you look that up with duckduckgo
Rakuten is a big mess of data tracking and advertisment but I'm glad to hear Kobo remains a good product.
Who is downvoting this?!
I do that. Every game I buy on Steam corresponds to a DRMless copy.
Several Steam games are DRM-free and don't even need Steam to be installed to play them:
For those games, you can just make a copy of the game directory.
And ideally your search engine of choice would be z-library or libgen
There seems to be a few publishers missing here ..
- Baen books ( have never applied DRM to their books.
- TOR ( stopped DRM on their books about ten years ago.
Baen typically sells their wares directly but TOR are through the usual sellers but have no DRM. I'm not sure how this works in practise with Amazon's new "you can't get the files" policy, but they are probably in cleartext somewhere.
If you are into light novels the publisher JNovel Club sells their books DRM free from their website
Jeff bezos probably