After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE
My point is Windows is an ecosystem enabling totalitarian regimes and exposes all user privacy to corporations.
Developing anything for Windows-only strengthens that ecosystem and is thereby anti-humanity, antidemocratic and just overall an awful decision. -
The blatant ads there were getting insane though. I love how you are sharing your well earned recognition, but many times on Reddit it was, "My daughter died of cancer three years ago and I quit my job and used coding as therapy, three years later, I have my parting gift inspired by her love of turtles ready to share with the world!"
Insert half-baked $5 game made in a few weeks
It was so obvious they were creating fictions to push shovelware.
I don't disagree with you. But don't you think there's a component of it that's like, "Hey I want to both 1) release a game and 2) put food on table"? Since 99% of players are on Windows, actually doing both kind of necessitates building for Windows first.
As Linux gamers I think we should keep going in the direction we've been and making it easier and easier for devs to port to Linux or run their games through Proton and so forth. It's been amazing and my time as a player has been so good in the last couple years. If we keep showing that, more players will come over and the userbase will grow. I've heard from plenty of others who have ditched Windows, because gaming was their last holdout.
The big AAA publishers aren't struggling for basic needs. We can make demands of them. But the small inside devs? Help 'em out where you can.
I played the demo on linux and it ran without any problems
Because of Proton and also how shit can just break on Linux (see the current glibc fiasco), it might be better to have just a Windows version.
I when I play a game, I don't even notice if it's Linux native unless the game specifically tells me it's a Linux build.
Congratulations! I've played your demo and had a blast. It's been on my wishlist since then.
Awesome! I played the demo way back when it came out and have been waiting since.
Wow, it's almost like there might be people with different opinions that use Linux and Linux users aren't a single hivemind.
Added to my list!
I have it wishlisted already just checked.
That's probably why I saw it I'm my steam recs the other day then. So the publicity is working!
I once saw a post about Oni, a 2001 Bungie game get deleted from the Bungie subreddit for not being Bungie related.
I've been a Linux user for over a decade. Do you just not know that Proton and WINE exist? They work extremely well nowadays. It's not like it was 10 years ago before DXVK released.
My friends and I loved your demo and can't wait to play the whole release
see my other comment
see my other comment
It used to be a legitimate choice to publish for Windows. Even when Microsoft started trying to force every private file into the cloud, I wouldn't have chosen such drastic words. But with the fall of the divided states of america to an authoritarian regime of rapist / pedo billionaires, if you still develop for Windows, where do you draw the line? Gas chambers?
And my objection to Windows is not because of Microsoft. It's because of being the government system, that the totalitarian government has its hands on all kinds of backdoors and will use them to sabotage democracies whereever they can. -
If you do what you love and love doing it, people will notice. Best of luck to you in this, I wish you all the success in the world.