From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
This is the correct response.
Guy looks kinda like he's wearing a jacket with a gap at the waist. That would totally not work. You can't have a gap that lets air out. The Apollo suits were one piece designs; two piece with a hard shell locking waist ring came later.
We're talking nowadays about compression suits that are only inflated around the head and maybe some upper body. Those would help a lot with mobility, but nothing like that has been deployed yet.
Yes, the New Order was great. But for me the New Colossus was the best Nazi killing I ever experienced in a game.
The moment you finally murder the shit out of Frau Engel is burned into my memory.
yum yum
u wot m8?
I think you're seeing one of the tubes, if you zoom in, the "jacket" look disappeared for me
Watch /r/BanVideoGames steal this and claim all gamers are nazis and stuff
(Ik that subreddit is satire but still, if they actually do it I'm bursting on laughter)
Fittingly enough, that's SO close to the latter half of the chorus of Alice Cooper's 1991 banger Might As Well Be On Mars:
Oh, can you feel me so close
And yet so far
Baby, I might as well be on Mars -
That game mentally scarred me. I hated nazis before and I really hated them after.
Wanted to upvote but count is at 161.
I just tried new colossus yesterday, actually, and I was surprised how big of a dive the writing took compared to the first game, I had to stop when the resistance guy bursts out of bathroom during that really forced emotional scene in the sub.
I loved the first game and the old blood dlc, so was a bit of a bummer
give it more time
That's already hours in, and it was only getting more ridiculous. I had a looksee at Yatzhee's old review of it, and he confirmed my feelings on it, and said it got even worse later. I may watch a let's play of it at some point, but I just wasn't having fun, so I'm unlikely to pick it up again, honestly.
Is that an old Digg community or something?
I think a former patient is fine. A current patient would be unethical.
Yeah, killing Nazis is always good. And very cathartic.