Why am I getting gore on my racism app?
Yep. Just checked. I don’t use it hardly at all, but now it’s loaded with pro-trump, -musk, -doge, transphobe, etc. Just a crapload of right-wing bullshit.
There is a simple fix: delete your instagram account.
My mother doesn't use Instagram, but she's been getting videos on Facebook of people in shootouts/duels/armed robberies/etc, apparently from a brazilian (or at least Portuguese speaking) page, usually ending with someone dead.
The rumor is that the moderation team for those images which on strike temporarily
The people who post that stuff want to psychologically damage people, especially young people. PTSD is real and has real effects.
It's because they are massive online attacks by govt orgs. That's why they have access to all that footage, especially war footage - it's theirs. That's why all those Russian torture videos exist - many are literally just officers and prison guards for Putin, and he releases them as a warning to spies and people abroad.
It’s because they are massive online attacks by govt orgs. That’s why they have access to all that footage, especially war footage - it’s theirs. That’s why all those Russian torture videos exist - many are literally just officers and prison guards for Putin, and he releases them as a warning to spies and people abroad. It’s online terrorism
I believe it is more refined than that. People in sound mind do not like violence, they want a peaceful and stable life for their families and friends.
If you show violence, you portray a threat. Over time people will be more lenient to surveillance and restriction of freedom in the name of law and order. Look at US people, tolerating torture and widespread vigilance since 11/9. All while still spewing "China bad" or "Putin bad". Why? The ends justify the means.
Let's see if it was a mistake or if the violence is here to stay in Meta apps
This happened to a bunch of people yesterday, I ended up being one of them and my feed turned into absolute insanity, now it's back to shitposts
Because people are sick and if you put an upload button on any website, the sickness will spread through it. Instagram has content moderators and probably AI to filter it but if you have more sick people uploading this shit than moderators, well it gets through. Believe me, they dont want to host it because its not advertiser friendly and alienates users.. there is no incentive to them hosting this, as you said, they arent rotten.
Too busy defederating and not making frictionless account migration work so no we're only going to get a trickle while big tech rasputin luls rhe refugees with pied pipe
Just stop using it. Try sometimes else, you may like it.
Lol I thought you meant the exact opposite thing, having to miss any picture with a nipple in it because I don't wanna see beheading videos or whatnot
Zuckerberg is trying to learn what make HUMANS tic, so he can better communicate with organic lifeforms.
We are speaking of the same tree, friend, though some roots go deeper than others. I think the path down the road you mentioned diverges here. I believe there was ill intent behind this, though I cannot offer any proof.
And join lemmy
I am choosing to believe this and no one can convince me otherwise
Or nothing else. Get a fulfilling hobby, and you'll probably find your life more meaningful.
Or don't. Just quit SM and do something else w/ your life.
It's too late for me, but maybe someone else can get out.
I'm just happy ig is letting porn through. Cooters and hooters out and about is an indicator of a healthy social media environment