SQL Noir
What would my
say? -
This seems like it was made specifically for me and my interests.
I have some time to kill before having to run some errands. I've started with the first one and it's pretty fun!
Said "fuck yeah" a couple times to myself when I got the answer right. I've not used SQL before but I've got a decent grasp (as in I get the basics) on programming languages so it's somewhat intuitive to me
Thanks for the links!! I look forward to continuing when I get back
Yeah we have IDEs to color keywords for us these days. Caps is just extra work
Capital letters are bigger, thus they use bigger bytes and use too much disk space and memory. That's why most programming languages use lowercase, and why the most common loop variable is
. -
seems like there's an issue with case 3. the person_id and from surveillance_records doesn't match up with the person_id in the hotel_checkins table when joined on hotel-checkin_id
And why untyped languages are better at managing memory too. Less characters ftw!
Yep, surveillance_records.person_id is the same as surveillance_records.id, which is incorrect. I looked at the Github repo and there's already a report for it.
What I don't understand (and apparently this is my problem, not a bug) is how we're supposed to narrow the list down to three suspects in the next-to-last step, as the "Case Solved" text describes (Yeah, I cheated). The interviews with the two witnesses give a partial hotel name and a check-in date, but that returns dozens of results. The ending messsge congratulates us for reducing that list by using the surveillance records in some way, but I can't see how. The only other detail I have is "The guy looked nervous", which doesn't seem to have any connection with the surveillance records.