Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks.
Because in the kindle store you're not purchasing the book but a license to the book.
I don't think that will work with the .kfx file type. At least it didn't for me.
A wink's as good as a nod to a blind bat.
Windows only. Le sigh.
First, you will need DeDRM v10.0.9 beta/RC or the alpha release. This will work on many (but not all) Kindle ebooks. (Some Kindle books come with extra-strength encryption that these tools cannot handle, etc.) If you have questions about installing, setting up, or using DeDRM, ask on GitHub.
"many but not all" hm.
Sadly, Calibre doesn't handle .kfx at this time.
Where do others buy epubs? (Besides the library) In many cases my obscure authors only use Amazon.
FWIW, I did not have a single book with DRM issues. That being said, I don't have too many "hot bestsellers" or something similar.
It absolutely does. there is a KFX input plugin. Also, if using an older version of kindle for PC you can batch download your whole library and import to Calibre.
I've used Kobo and, and import into my Calibre library. I know some authors have a way to purchase directly on their site.
I mean authors don’t see money anytime someone rents an ebook do they? Libraries just need to pay for licenses to the publisher annually from what I’ve read on reddit/Lemmy.
I can understand renting ebooks so that your library continues to fund a digital library, but if the book is available in paper form that doesn’t really benefit the author either.
There’s a plugin, and easy tutorials to follow online. It absolutely handles KFX.
Authors receive 25% of the ebook sale to a library in the US. Frequent lends will also influence future purchases made by the library.
Libraries in Canada and the UK pay royalties for each lend.
What do you mean? The guide OP mentioned has instructions for MacOS. Also, the software referenced (Calibre and DeDRM plugin) are available on Linux systems as well.
I'm planning on buying a pocketbook soon!!! I've been trying to get a sense of what the PocketBook interface is like on the device but haven't found anything online. You don't have a picture of the home / library page do you? Also, can you disable discover / suggestions on the PocketBook?
You're right. Method 2b is for mac.
I also use Kobo. It's really easy to download on Kobo (then remove DRM if that's your vibe).
I borrow them from my library through the Libby and Hoopla apps. If I want to support the author, I’ll buy a copy through some other means. Directly from them, if possible.
The UI is super simple, it's based on Linux so it's much closer to using a tablet computer, you access your books via folders
Default UI
Library is a file Explorer
UI without recommendations (I never bothered turning it off because I'm never on the front page)
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