Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12
I don't understand what you're talking about. Balatro does not contain loot boxes/gacha. In a world where so many modern AAA games are exploiting all kinds of shady dark patterns, Balatro took off by not doing any of that shit. It's just a sincerely fun game, and it sounds like you're literally just complaining that it's too fun and that should somehow be policed.
He wrote some hyped up programming books and he was involved in the creation of extreme programming (a bust), cucumber (an almost completely useless waste of time), and agile (an ok idea but in reality it's a huge bust, it's biggest effect is that management tells everyone "we need to be agile" all the time).
Tldr: you're not missing out
In college, circa 2005, I played about three hours of WoW during a free weekend. I installed the game (from a CD!), started it up, and played for an afternoon. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I realized that I was at a crossroads: I could either make this game my life for the next indeterminate number of years, or I could leave it behind forever. Those were literally the only two options for me. My brain would accept no third option.
I deleted the game and went out to get pizza. Since then I've never picked it up again, and now it's so big and unwieldy I'm not even tempted anymore. But that was a touch and go situation for those few hours.
A few games have given me similar pulls over the years, but I've gotten better about it. Balatro is the most recent one to grab me, since I got it only when it came to mobile. And yeah, it grabbed me pretty hard, but I also know that once I unlock all the Jokers I'm unlikely to go much further in it.
Speaking of only reading the headline, I love me some corporate boobs.
It can be both. The moral screeching is a convenient cover story for the corrupt industry.
The difference is one is manipulating a continuous flow of money out of your wallet and you pay once for Balatro to get the same rush without getting psychofinancially milked for the CHANCE at a hit of dopamine before you pay again for the privilege.
Eating is addictive man. Kids are addicted to fucking candy and breathing and shit. What kind of insane kids do you want to mold?
FC25 is rated 12+ in germany, same as Balatro.
It's that idiotic classification system that's the problem. A game is considered to be gambling game if it involves cards.
No HR don't allow enjoyment of corporate boobs. They kick you out at the office for that kind of thing.
Unless you are the manager your obviously, oh ironically you work in the games industry.
They tried to claim it taught you how to gamble. Seriously that was their argument.
So clearly they didn't play the game because if you actually turned up to a casino and tried to play like that they kick you out.
If other games can have poker or other cards games where the characters are gambling and not have that influence their shit
I doubt it though because the game doesn't have any gambling in it at all. It just uses the imagery of poker, that's it. I have no more of an idea how to play poker now than they did before spending 900 Brazilian hours on the game.
Oh he invented agile did he. I already hate him.
Agile just means that you don't have a project plan, but you see that's okay because you planned not to have a project plan, and therefore it's totally fine.
I'm happy to say I've never heard of the others.
So you're referring to things like "number go up" and Juice, because literally every game does that.
The guy is clearly an idiot. He made this stupid comment and he can't justify it but rather than admit that it's a stupid comment and he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's trying to back it up in some bizarre way with this mumbo jumbo non-logic.
Civ is a bit exploitative in that they deliberately release a half-arsed base product with glaring flaws, charging big $$$ for it; and then release a chain of expansion packs to flesh it out and make it complete.
I was on the beta team for Civ 5; and it was a real eye-opener to see that this is a deliberate strategy. It isn't just that games are hard to get right. They deliberately hold back to squeeze more cash out. I haven't bought any civ game since then.
But yeah, I agree that it isn't the same type of exploitation as gambling.
Nonono you don't understand, lootboxes make us money! Thats not gambling.
Playing cards though? Oh that's definitely gambling. Go fish? Gambling. Solitaire? Definitely gambling. 52 pick-up? Straight to gambling.
self censoring bodies like pegi are there to protect the industry, so it doesn't get actual censorship from the government. EA is the industry. of course they get special treatment.
also gambling is the blueprint of AAA gaming now, so pegi loves it. they only do this shit to small devs so they can pretend to care while protecting industry giants from the actual scrutiny that they deserve.
Definitely thought from the thumbnail that it was PEGI 13 -> PEGI 12.
Extreme programming is basically pair programming. It sucks and doesn't work. Cucumber is also known as "behavioral driven (design/development)" or BDD. It manifests as test documents written in "plain English" that are executed via code. It inevitably becomes unit tests but worse because it's based mainly around regex matches to bits of text within the steps.