Mozilla is Introducing 'Terms of Use' to Firefox | Also about to go into effect is an updated privacy notice
This comment under the article gave me a chuckle.
Wtf is happening, why is now even Firefox going off the rails?
Am I missing something on Servo Browser? Because when I went to check it out and seems more like next-gen browser engine that looks to be an improvement on Firefox's Gecko. If so then we will need to wait for a browser team to adopt it.
Well I suppose Fennec (or some other de-branded Firefox) will become more mainstream. Similar to what chromium is to chrome
I've been willingly enabling data collection features for Mozilla but I guess that time is revolute, they don't feel trustworthy anymore.
You missed the previous memo:
That's not a real equivalence.
Chromium is the basis for Google Chrome, while Librewolf is nothing more than a leech to Firefox. It's just Firefox, rebranded.
Servo is also building a web browser UI.
Give an example, a first-person example, where it is not slop.
It just became bigger:
Mange tak!
Nukes only “prevent” deaths by saying they’ll cause drastically large numbers of deaths otherwise. If the nukes didn’t exist, there wouldn’t then be the threat of death from the nukes, which is being prevented by more people having the nukes.
Okay? But war existed long before nuclear weapons, and it also causes a large number of deaths. If nukes didn't exist, there would potentially be more wars, and thus more death.
Heck, if “AI” automated most of the work people did and put us out of a job, that would just accelerate our progress towards pushing for UBI/or an era of superabundance, which I’d welcome with open arms.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. We have already automated essentially everything else, and yet people work more than ever. If goods can be produced automatically by machines for free, what's to stop the owners of the machines from simply eliminating what used to be the working class?
But sure, seeing matrix multiplication causing statistically probable sentences to be formed really has me unable to stomach the potential consequences. /s
Your defensiveness speaks volumes.
And what did the printing press, automobile, and analog computer bring?
An ever more powerful nucleus of mechanization that has resulted in the most devastating wars and the most widespread suffering in all of human history. Genocides, racism, biochemical and nuclear weapons; mass extinction and the imminent destruction of the very planet on which we live.
Make human work obsolete so we can do what we care about and hang out with people we like instead of spending our days doing labor to produce goods we rely on? Sign me up.
Sweet summer child. Making human work obsolete makes human beings obsolete. I envy your naivety.
Same here. Just turned off all data collection checkboxes. Fuck Mozilla!
Yeah, I'll +1 Vivaldi - great tool with (mostly) useful features
Not sure how it will do with the Chrome / Chromium v3 addon API thingie - just not looked into that at all. Hope it's not relevant
probably saw all the money by having thier browsers info being sold off to companies, like with chrome, and google and reddit/OPEN AI collusion.
i think MS? admitted AI isnt generating useful profit for them, yea its hype like crypto is.
Where's the gofundme for the firefox fork project?
Rebranded, pre-cleaned of all the forced stuff from mozilla, with the built-in integration of more privacy-enhancing features.
So, not "just firefox, rebranded" at all.
The only acceptable privacy policy for a browser is "we won't fucking look into anything, take anything, nor send anything anywhere you didn't actually wish to send explicitly".
Firefox have an extension support. If mozilla wants to bloat it, they should do it via extension, so that they're not bloating the actually useful part. As it is, all they're doing is forcing more work on people to manage forks to remove all the shit every time they push a release.
Is this because some middle manager at Mozilla has to pretend to be productive?