Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic
And what they say about being commercially viable is true, they can't die on this hill. It means death of complete privacy either way.
How does Mullvad work on legacy websites? Never heard a Dev say they tested for anything other than chrome, safari, edge & firefox
My thoughts as well, there is always another option
iOS browsers are all just skins around the safari engine.
Clearly not someone you can trust.
If Firefox is losing its footing as a privacy focused browser then where do we go? If your on Mac maybe Safari?
Mozilla are a non profit organisation. Their recent blog post says that they will invest in advertising to increase short-term revenue that they need to "grow". The blog goes on to talk about the increase in board members, and new leaders being added. The CEO and these new leaders are highly paid...
To me this looks bad. It looks to me that Mozilla's new leaders have pushed out the old; and are now moving towards advertising and selling user data not because they need it to stabilise and survive, but because they need it to pay the people making the decision to burn trust and reputation. It has become a top-heavy organisation, and greed has seeped in.
A few people will be self-enriched by this, and then the orgasation will be weaker as a result.
Yea I would say Usa stem is pretty neglected in some ways too, mostly the lack of career development in uni, sure you can find internships but those are rare and often hard to get for stem, additionally wet lab work is a must before graduation, and often times professors re refuse to even talk about it, because they have burned by flakey students. And it's very limited space as well. Let's not get started at the MS and PhD levels, whole another can of worms.
Mind you, this is just step one and other steps WILL follow. Mozilla looked at other enshittified products from large companies that make a lot of money and thought "we could have that too!"
It's a pattern I keep seeing, over and over. This is the end of Firefox as we knew it. I'm sure a good fork, run by a non profit foundation will sprout soon enough, but the name for a privacy browser won't be Firefox no more
Stanford is very corporate much like their counterparts
Funny thing reddit uses some form fingerprint iding to ban people.
It was a neolib site, but it's starting to lean right wing, and soon with the ranks of Facebook soon enough. The reason, they have been aggressively banning accounts as of late, and alot of its based around trump posts.
As in Mozilla own alternative from scratch with their own independent Plugin-repository
Could be a potential money-maker
Perhaps Ladybug once it's released?
They are often used as scapegoats in the CEO position, when the company gets really bad reputation. Musk being an obvious example of X, chose a woman as a human shield
Google can't fund firefox anymore because of the US federal courts have ruled google a monopoly.
so is this them trying to protect its users while adding nuance for the sake of legal protections, or is this them pretending to do that in order to profit off its users?
basically when it was first released
Ah, back in the Mozilla Phoenix days? Or shortly after the Firebird->Firefox rename?