First off, I am second positive, pro porn, pro sex work, and don't believe sex work should be shameful, and that there is nothing **inherently** wrong about buying intimacy from a willing seller.
If the pictures are not, forced therapy is probably the best option.
This is true, but it really depends how "therapy" is defined. And forced therapy could mean anything from things like the old conversion therapy approach for gay people.
You might argue that these days we wouldn't do anything so barbaric, but considering that the nature of a pedophile's is very unsavory, and the fact that it will never be acceptable, unlike homosexuality, people would be far more willing to abuse or exploit said "therapy"
Basically every pedo in prison is one who isn't abusing kids. Every pedo on a list is one who won't be left alone with a young family member. Actually reducing AI CP doesn't actually by itself do anything.
I believe, in the US it is protected by the first amendment.
CSAM, artificial or not, is illegal in the United States.
That said, sexuality and attraction are complicated.
There's nothing particularly complicated about it not being ok to rape kids, or to distribute depictions of kids being raped.
i have no problem with ai porn assuming it’s not based on any real identities
With any model in use, currently, that is impossible to meet. All models are trained on real images.
With this logic, any output of any pic gen AI is abuse
No adult conversation required, just a quick "looks like we don't get internet privacy after all everyone." And erosion of more civil liberties. Again.
Whats illegal in real porn should be illegal in AI porn, since eventually we won’t know whether it’s AI
There is no ethical consumption while living a capitalist way of life.
Nobody here has at all suggested it's ok to rape kids. I hope you can understand the difference between thinking something and doing something.
ML always there to say irrelevant things
Wrong. Every pedo in prison is one WHO HAS ALREADY ABUSED A CHILD, whether directly or indirectly. There is an argument to be made, and some studies that show, that dealing with Minor Attracted People before they cross the line can be effective. Unfortunately, to do this we need to be able to have a logical and civil conversation about the topic, and the current political climate does not allow for that conversation to be had. The consequence is that preventable crimes are not being prevented, and more children are suffering for it in the long run.
That's the same as saying we shouldn't be able to make videos with murder in them because there is no way to tell if they're real or not.
without a victim
You are wrong.
AI media models have to be trained on real media. The illegal content would mean illegal media and bentiting/supporting/profiting from a crime at minimum.
Illegal is most of the west already as creating sexual assault material of minors is already illegal regardless of method.
this ones a classic.
With any model in use, currently, that is impossible to meet. All models are trained on real images.
yes but if i go to and generate a random person, is that going to resemble the likeness of any given real person close enough to perceptibly be them?
You are literally using the schizo argument right now. "If an artists creates a piece depicting no specific person, but his understanding of persons is based inherently on the facial structures of other people that he knows and recognizes, therefore he must be stealing their likeness"
People are locked up all the time for just possessing child porn without having abused anyone. This isn't a bad thing because they are a danger to society.
No, they are not locked up because they're a danger to society. They're locked up because possessing CP is indirectly contributing to the abuse of the child involved.