First off, I am second positive, pro porn, pro sex work, and don't believe sex work should be shameful, and that there is nothing **inherently** wrong about buying intimacy from a willing seller.
without a victim
You are wrong.
AI media models have to be trained on real media. The illegal content would mean illegal media and bentiting/supporting/profiting from a crime at minimum.
Illegal is most of the west already as creating sexual assault material of minors is already illegal regardless of method.
this ones a classic.
With any model in use, currently, that is impossible to meet. All models are trained on real images.
yes but if i go to and generate a random person, is that going to resemble the likeness of any given real person close enough to perceptibly be them?
You are literally using the schizo argument right now. "If an artists creates a piece depicting no specific person, but his understanding of persons is based inherently on the facial structures of other people that he knows and recognizes, therefore he must be stealing their likeness"
People are locked up all the time for just possessing child porn without having abused anyone. This isn't a bad thing because they are a danger to society.
No, they are not locked up because they're a danger to society. They're locked up because possessing CP is indirectly contributing to the abuse of the child involved.
I see. I've looked up the details. Obscenity - whatever that means - is not protected by the first amendment. So where the material is obscene, it is still illegal.
No, the problem is a lack of consent of the person being used.
And now, being used to generate depictions of rape and CSAM.
Excuse me? I am very offended by your insinuations here. It honestly makes me not want to share my thought and opinions at all. I am not in any way interested in this kind of content.
I encourage you to read my other posts in the different threads here and see. I am not an apologist, and do not condone it either.
I do genuinely believe AI can generate content it is not trained on, that's why I claimed it can generate illegal content without a victim. Because it can combine stuff from things it is trained on and end up with something original.
I am interested in learning and discussing the consequences of an emerging and novel technology on society. This is a part of that. Even if it is uncomfortable to discuss.
You made me wish I didn't..
Don't pay any attention to that kinda stupid comment. Anyone posting that kind of misinformation about AI is either trolling or incapable of understanding how generative AI works.
You are right it is a victimless crime (for the creation of content). I could create porn with minions without using real minion porn to put the randomnest example I could think of. There's the whole defamation thing of publishing content without someone's permission but that I feel is a discussion irrelevant of AI (we could already create nasty images of someone before AI, AI just makes it easier). But using such content for personal use... It is victimless. I have a hard time thinking against it. Would availability of AI created content with unethical themes allow people to get that out of their system without creating victims? Would that make the far riskier and horrible business of creating illegal content with real unwilful people disappear? Or at the very least much more uncommon? Or would make people more willing to consume thw content creating a feelibg of fake safety towards content previously illegal? There's a lot of implications that we should really be thinking about and how it would affect society, for better or worse...
Don't pay any attention to that kinda stupid comment. Anyone posting that kind of misinformation about AI is either trolling or incapable of understanding how generative AI works
Thank you
That’s a good point, but there’s much less of a market for murder video industry
I mean, a lot of TV has murders in it. There is a huge market for showing realistic murder.
But I get the feeling your saying that there isn't a huge market for showing real people dying realistically without their permission. But that's more a technicality. The question is, is the content or the production of the content illegal. If it's not a real person, who is the victim of the crime.
Yeah the latter. Also murder in films for the most part of storytelling. It’s not murder simulations for serial killers to get off to, you know what I mean?
as if this has something to do with that
But to your argument: It is perfectly possible to tune capitalism using laws to get veerry social.
I mean every “actually existing communist country” is in its core still a capitalist system, or how you argue against that?
Well AI is by design not able to curate its training data, but companies training the models would in theory be able to. But it is not feasible to sanitise this huge stack of data.