Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos
I didn't see it anywhere on my phone but ill look into it more after work. Thanks for the heads up.
Apparently I'm a beta tester for it, don't recall signing up for beta tests with it
Blaming the victim solves nothing.
Scamming is a rapidly growing industry that is becoming more professional and specialized all the time. Anyone can be scammed.
No, that wouldn't make much difference. I don't think I've seen a real world attack via SMS that even bothered to "forge" the from-field. People are used to getting texts from unknown numbers.
And how would you possibly implement this supposed "caller-id" for a field that doesn't even have to be set to a number?
....but Safetycore is the main point, and you linked about that again. How about you just...say the fucking name. Now. Here.
caller id is the thing that tells you the number. it isn't cheap to forge, but it's the only way a scan could reasonably effect anyone with more than half a brain. there is never a reason to send information to an unknown SMS number, or click on a link from a text message from an unknown number.
I still use a stock pixel for work related and daily usage, but the alternatives I've found between F-Droid and Aurora store I've never felt lacking.
Maybe I'll finish the switch fully in the coming months.
I'll give it another try then! Last attempt it wouldn't open.
Should I do a little dance for you as well? Do you want some hot tea maybe?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
No. Just TYPE THE NAME OF THE APP. Why is this so difficult? You know how you just used letters to form those sentences? This time arrange those letters into the name instead of not the name.
Easy there keyboard warrior.
You'd pee your pants if ever anyone looked in your direction in real life, so I wouldn't be acting tough on the internet