Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos
Issue is, a certain cult (christian dominionists), with the help of many billionaires (including Muskrat) have installed a fucking dictator in the USA, who are doing their vow to "save every soul on Earth from hell". If you get a porn ban, it'll phone not only home, but directly to the FBI's new "moral police" unit.
I'd that what's killing my fucking battery like crazy lately?
not necessarily... I mean If they run under the same VM, I'd be fine with that as well...but having a sandboxed wrapper would for sure be nice.
Every one of them can, AFAIK. I have a second cheap used phone I picked up to play with Ubuntu Touch and it has a system called Waydroid for this. Not quite seamless and you'll want to use native when possible but it does work.
SailfishOS, PostmarketOS, Mobian, etc all also can use Waydroid or a similar thing
Droid-ify and Neo-Store are alternative clients for the F-Droid repository (and other repos), that you may like better than the official client. But yeah, Obtainium is indeed simple and it's powerful if you already know exactly which app you want to install (rather than searching for relevant options in some repositories).
Contacts are overrated.
The official reason they dropped it is because there were security concerns. The more likely reason was the massive outcry that occurs when Apple does these questionable things. Crickets when it's Google.
The feature was re-added as a child safety feature called "Comminication Saftey" that is optional on a child accounts that will automatically block nudity sent to children.
I just un-installed it
Anyone know what Android System Intelligence does? Should that be un-installed as well?
The short answer is: Apple collects much of the same data as any other modern tech composite, but their "walled garden" strategy means that for the most part only THEY have access to that info.
It's technically lower risk since fewer parties have access to the data, but philosophically just about equally as bad because they aren't doing this out of any real love for privacy (despite what their marketing department might claim)
The 5 star reviews are whack
First result of DDG search, explains it quite well:
New os, who dis?
Niko, it's your cousin, Roman. LETS GO BOWLING!
I'm curious about this. I've got a Pixel 6 and noticed that the battery started going to shit about a month or so ago? I couldn't find an install date for SafetyCore, but it was listed in my apps. I've uninstalled it now. It'll be interesting to see if that was causing it.
GrapheneOS — an Android security developer — provides some comfort, that SafetyCore “doesn’t provide client-side scanning used to report things to Google or anyone else. It provides on-device machine learning models usable by applications to classify content as being spam, scams, malware, etc. This allows apps to check content locally without sharing it with a service and mark it with warnings for users.”