Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros
What’s a glowie?
"You should consider the effects of your words and actions on other people."
Tech CEOs:
Ohh, Thanks I did need a dictionary for the OP, but you still left out the racist 4chan verbiage around the etymology ("CIA N*s glow in the dark"). -
The originator of the term is the late Terry Davis, a paranoid schizophrenic and developer of TempleOS. He used to go on angry rants about "glow in the dark CIA niggers", or glowies for short.
It is a long story but to make short: spooks, feds etc
Yeah I parsed it the same way, shluld really say "CEO of BRAVE
Oh right - that's why I keep not installing Brave. I knew it was something and then I forget.
Ita basically thaylt but instead of Vampires invading Highschoolers DM's it's men in black invading their discord channels.
My laziness is never getting around to trying out Brave is vindicated!
He was discovered by 4channers and harassed up until his death. His choice of language, and mental deterioration, were due to them in no small part
Oh, wow. I wouldn’t have guessed that.
Oh, is that where the name Brave came from?
Brave evangelists in shambles.
For a native English speaker who understands everything he wrote: you're 100% correct. It is a core dump.
Extremely online echo chamber talk doesnt make sense in any language if youre ourside that echo chamber.
Him being a 4chan shitbird means most the people here on lemmy likely weren't going to be clue'd in immediately.
The fact that he invented Javascript alone makes him a villain. Everything he did after that is just complementary.
these jabronis think they deserve to be the Kings of it all.
And are perfectly willing and sometimes even capable to burn the world down for the position
can't believe the homophobic crypto nut would also be a right wing loon
Damn, I didn't know he got Chris Chan'd. Ugh.
Engineer Syndrome. You get mildly good enough at writing Javascript to sell a product and then assume that means you can fix all of society's problems