Notepad++ and Don Ho: A story of software, activism, and defiance
Interesting piece. Thanks for sharing
Vivaldi, no adblocker, it seems it has one integrated… maybe?
He did. A notable update for Notepad++ compulsory had a support message for Charlie Hebdo. Its his right to do so, and he's not wrong.
Notepad++ is still the second thing I install after
ChromeFirefoxwhatever the fuck i'm gonna use now -
Yep same here. I've tried Notepad Next, Notepadqq, and notepad++ with wine. Each had their own quirks/issues (no dark mode, crashes, GUI glicthes). Now I'm just using vscodium for everything. While vscodium isn't as simple as np++, (there are a lot of extra features you'll never need when editing a simple txt) it gets the job done without any issues
I dug into 'Creation Science' for a while as a result of the cognitive dissonance. Trying to square reason and science with religion and belief in an inerrant Bible. Ultimately, I lost my religion and had an existential crisis that lasted about a year.
It was terrible. Panic attacks and circular thinking. An existential crisis is depression's cousin. Painful, frightening, and eventually exciting. I'm free now. I got rid of the slavery that was pushed into me as a child. Still have to fight the guilt and bad thought patterns.
I was not successful in bringing any friends or family with me from before. I tried. I have regrets, but would do it again.
Not an easy thing to change about oneself. Good job and thanks for sharing
Thanks for the suggestion. That combo seems to bring up window options for Wine's workspace. I've purged and reinstalled the snap now which does skirt the problem.
In my first two years of Linux, I struggled between using Notepad++ through Wine and trying the many different editors out there (including the three you mentioned), never feeling fully satisfied. Until I found a little-known one that I would use today even in a Windows machine where Np++ is a native option: CudaText.
Just like Np++, you can get extra useful features by installing plugins. And you should dig into available settings to adjust to your taste.
In the end, CudaText is a more advanced editor than Np++, while it still feels welcoming for editing non-code text, unlike VSCode or Sublime.
If you want to consistently block ads, you can't use a chromium based browser since they don't support ublock origin