Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’
Not loving guns and murder? Unamerican communist!
Talking about a lady's body parts or for that matter anything remotely related to sexuality? Jesus Christ won't someone please save our children from this fate worse than death!?
Looking up Vuva, they sell neodymium magnet embedded dildos. I can't speak to the medical efficacy, I'm just saying what they look like.
Somehow Amazon doesn't like that but is OK with actual dildos?
Embarrassment? To me it looks like they want control.
Magnets are snake oil. They have no effect on the human body. Don’t waste your money.
Definitely a control thing.
Hypocrisy. Bought some lube on amazon, and they sent a print pamphlet ad for vibrators to my parents adress addressed to me but now they want to talk about embarrassing?
Oh my god, it's so bad.
"Soft tissue lengthens, relaxing muscles and ligaments. As the tissue relaxes, the Neodymium magnets increase blood flow to the area calming nerves and promote relaxation. VuVa
are the only patented sets available with Neodymium magnets."
"Magnetic Therapy is based on the premise that all living organisms exist in a magnetic field, including the human body. The human body generates its own magnetic field. Therefore, the body can heal itself when electromagnetic energy is in balance."
It's like those stupid magnet bracelets and elbow wraps, only for your vagina. It's all woo.
It’s about time to boycott the fuck out of those Nazi boot lickers
The product is a vaginal dialator, which has evidence supporting its use in treatment of several medical conditions. The distinction from a dildo has more to do with intended use than form.
The magnets are just woo.
Right might want to start loving guns.
I don't know if you haven't noticed but there are literal nazis in the Whitehouse.
This anti-gun shit needs to stop from progressives. The fascist already have them.
You'll never out gun the fascist Republicans. Stop this pro gun BS.
The better odds are on control.
I'm sure people said similar to the French Resistance regarding the Nazis/Vichy government...
Oh, no disagreements with dilators; they're essential for e.g., women with vaginismus that want to have 'normal' sexual relationships.
Lol but they are fine with reminding me constantly of the one time I bought syringes for "a friend" with addiction years ago.
Idk about the urban left, but us in the rural left have been armed our whole lives.