Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands.
What can I do with a jailbroken kindle that makes it worth doing instead of just using calibre?
It's not just Amazon. Libraries (and Libby, the app they use) are also making it difficult to do anything but read in a browser or use Kindle.
Better Calibre integration.
Custom shelves and book collections on Kindle.
If this doesn't help physical book sales, nothing will.
Yeah is this going to break calibre functionality? I remember using it to rip books from my kindle library but not how, exactly
I'll continue pirating, thanks.
I was looking at the PineNote myself, but they stopped selling the developer version due to low demand. I'm afraid that it won't be back until those who do own it finish writing the software for it.
I tend to bounce around software. I ran into it at random researching docker containers and just kind of stuck with it. I've got a habit of trying to containerize everything nowadays haha
This is the way.
And Calibre, a third party software for managing ebooks, has a plugin to crack Kindle files
Which requires being able to download those files from Amazon. Which is what this post is all about, Amazon not allowing you to download the files anymore.
PSA: “Archiving” is a general legal-neutral and safe term you can use with co-workers.
Dropping a link for the lazy/myself for later
I'll be done with audible the moment I stop being able to liberate and archive what I pay for.
Until then, they're helping me build my audiobookshelf
I love my Kobo. I installed KO Reader on it and have Calibre for managing my ebooks.
Get all my ebooks from z-library or Anna's archive.
Probably some kind of plugin or script to run... i forget the specifics because literally grab the kindle version, then search z-library.
Am I an idiot for enjoying my Kindle Paperwhite as an eReader, while at the same time never actually buying books from Amazon?
Overdrive (which is Libby) integrates directly into the Kobo OS so you can borrow books directly on the device instead of the roundabout way you have to do it on the Kindle.
If it's alright for Facebook, it's alright for me. Yoho
Fuck that.
I have a Boox Palma 2 - their cellphone-sized thing that doesn't have a cellular radio. I love it. They're more expensive than kindles, though, since they're not subsidizing their cost with ebook sales. I haven't actually tried jailbreaking a kindle so I can't say how good an experience that would be, but you could probably pick up a kindle of some description on the used market for dirt cheap to try it out.