GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
Transphobic main dev ruined the project for me
Hell, even worse, crying in the lost information. Discord is a black hole where community knowledge goes to die.
It's the worst.
It was a niche story, I’ll have to dig through the GitHub issues. Basically someone tried to change the documentation pronouns to be gender neutral rather than masculine and the lead dev had a freak out and refused. Really soured me on the project
Is he though? I didn't know anything about this, but it doesn't sound as bad with context.
What is this blog, it reads like a right wing child’s ramblings
Ladybird is a brand-new browser & web engine.
ugh transphobia rots people's brains
it's not too hard to just be a decent person ppl
That is not the point of making another browser.
Lunduke is an alt-right shithead.
Congratulations on completely misunderstanding the comic.
Ladybird is not a new standard. It is a new implementation of existing standards. Nobody has to change or adapt anything.
Freakout? Didn't he just reject?
Thank you for sharing.
Currently there are 3 browsers available and of them is only available on overpriced disposable hardware.
Lunduke is definitely right wing and has been for years
"We don't accept ideologically motivated changes" = White supremacist language...
That blog post is pretty ridiculous, IMO.
You'll see the alt-right do that a lot, for some reason.
There's real criticism, but they always mix it in with some made-up complains like the slavery thing, which is some of the most obvious sarcasm I have ever seen on the internet, but somehow taken literally by the author of the post.
IDK if he's a transphobe or whatnot, but his reaction to the change in language was indicative of, at the very least---with the most charitable of interpretations---, a disregard for inclusive language and, more realistically, some philosophy that doesn't allow for "others" to participate because the existence of those that aren't male is "political," somehow.
You might not see it, because you haven't seen it enough times to recognize it, but it happens again and again and again... But it's always quiet.
"Don't make this political," "ideology isn't welcome," stuff like that. Statements that sound reasonable, but are only wielded to quiet those aiming for inclusiveness and acceptance of marginalized people.
It might sound like a less-than-generous interpretation, a bit callous and over-zealous, but it's just patterns. I hear wolf, I say wolf.
Also, I thought that article had a really funny passage:
One activist ("cafkafk") seen below, within the GitHub repository for the developer being attacked, celebrating the fact that other activists -- organized on "The Fediverse" -- had arrived to harass the Ladybird developer.
This alone made me think that it might be satire, but I don't think it is... The Fediverse, huh? OK.